Sunday, February 1, 2009

Living Proof

This topic has been discussed by many philosophers including Boethius and Augustine. Both of these men have come to the determination that we are free to will what we choose-whether it be good or evil. In Augustine’s City of God, Cicero argues that if God is omniscient, then humans do not have free will, but if humans have free will, then God is not omniscient and is therefore not God. As Augustine’s rebuttal and as we discussed in class, knowledge is not the causation of actions. I know that a refrigerator will keep my food cold; however, this knowledge is not what causes the refrigerator to keep my food cold. One thing that we did not discuss in class is punishment and consequence. I know it seems that not everyone receives fair consequences for their actions, and sometimes it feels like some people could get away with murder. But sinful actions are reciprocated with deserving consequences. If God’s foreknowledge were the cause of all sin, there would be no need for punishment or consequences. I don’t know about you, but I know that I have had consequences for sin; I am living proof of the free will that God has given us.

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