Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hollywood's misrepresentation of Colombia

Today we started the class with Jeremy's video which conducted us to a discussion about how Hollywood is sometimes showing a misrepresentation of different bible passages, historical events, or books. Well, Hollywood has a big influence in people's minds, what you see and hear you will remember easily. This has its pros and cons; it is good when the knowledge that you are gaining is true, but it is bad when you are getting false views about things.
I think I have a very good example of this. I am from Colombia and not only Hollywood but the news have made people get the wrong image of my country. I have talked to some people and invited them to visit my country but what they answer is “no, I can not go because as soon as I get out of the plane I am going to get kidnapped.” Well that is the result of those movies that just show that Colombia is a country of drugs, violence, and guerrilla. So, I found a video that shows the two different views, what people think about my country and what it really is. I hope you like it, and see the real Colombia.

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