Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guilty by Association

In our last class, Dr. Mitchell made the statement, "If you facilitate sin or wrong, it is just as bad as participating in the sin yourself." I think that in today's society so many people are quick to judge others and determine the degree of their sin, all without considering that they also have sin in their own lives. To God sin is sin. It is humans who try to "play judge" and determine the consequences they think others derserve. If only people would look in the mirror and realize that they themselves are just as bad, if not worse. It is God's place to judge, not humans'.

However, there are times when a person may not be directly involved in a sin, but he or she doesn't correct the other persons involved or is just too afraid to voice his or her disapproval. Sometimes a person may know the action or thought is wrong but encourages others to take part in it anyways. At these times, the person who remains silent or urges others to continue in sin is just as guilty as the person commiting the sin. People today are too afraid to speak up and think they must remain "politically correct". This mindset is only leading to destruction. If a person wants change then he or she has to take the first step in making that change. It is important to keep in mind that no one is perfect and that everyone sins. By keeping this in mind, a person would hopefully be less likely to scrutanize others.

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