Friday, February 20, 2009


Wow. I am still just reveling in the wonderment of the presentation I heard on Thursday. It was a refreshing experience. It takes something meaningful from a speaker to wow me, especially when it comes to sensitive issues such as politics, abortion, the American family, and Christian worldview. I was thoroughly impressed by her knowledge and intelligence. She skillfully presented her topic in a thoughtful manner, and yet still took time to point out its practical application.

When I am a teacher, I want to possess the same characteristics I observed this past Thursday. When passion, dedication, preparation, effective communication, and intelligence come together, learning always results. Learning is the goal of the education experience; without learning, we do not grow. However, we must grow in the right direction, according to God’s specific plan for our lives. Therefore, learning in light of Him will always be successful learning.

Our guest speaker did a marvelous job of bringing together the academic and the practical. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Christian wanting to be a scholarly, intelligent individual who enjoys studying ancient texts and pondering ideas. As our speaker pointed out, WE SHOULD BE THAT WAY! Christians should not be afraid to have a profession in the world. It is remembering Whose you are when in that position of life that will make a difference for the world. Shining His light, and rightly dividing the Word of Truth – this is our calling and we will do it in an intelligent way. Men will see our good works and will glorify our Father. Ah, I only wish there were more people in this nation as eloquent in their profession and faith as was our presenter last Thursday.

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