Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Comic Books and Real Super Powers... Sort of.

I first want to say that I'm sorry for not getting on sooner, but My computer was being bad. It happens I suppose, so this is my first post. This is Justin Bridges, by the way.

I have been watching TV lately because I've had nothing to do, which means I procrastinate. My favorite show right now which I watch with my roommates, is Heroes. For a quick synopsis, It's kinda like the X-men, With mutants and superpowers, intrigue and a great story.

But I realized that a lot of people are like those people like those mutants. They are scared and in hiding, not wanting to show their abilities and gifts. But, It's a shame really. Intelligence and wisdom, ingenuity, creativity, these are gifts to rival even flight and telekinesis. Why do people hide their gifts? It is absurd. Even staying quiet in class with opinions and reasons of their own is hiding enough so no one sees potential. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe a mind and the things that come with having one isn't special. Everyone has a mind and the capacity for thought on some level. But those of us in this class, we "honors" students, aren't we the best and the brightest? We aren't the stars of the school, but we have the potential. We have the brains. Why do we lounge and sit in our comfortable positions, instead of taking initiative and being a bigger and more positive voice at this school. I think it's because, like me and this week, all we're doing is being lazy. But, again, it's just me thinking.

I dunno. Maybe it's not me thinking anything important. Perhaps it's just me, being me. Geeking out on my favorite subjects of Comic Books, Superheros, and TV shows. I don't know. But, I think I may be on to something. And perhaps the topics and discussions will at least get more interesting if someone steps up and uses the mind that I think is so powerful. But, really, what do I know.

"Save the Cheerleader, save the world."

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