Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"...And I, my head in a swirl

Of error, cried: "Master, what is this I hear?
What people are these, whom pain has overcome?"
He: "This is the sorrowful state of souls unsure,

Whose lives earned neither honor nor bad fame.
And they are mingled with angels of that base sort
Who, nither rebellious to God nor faithful to Him,

Chose neither side, but kept themselves apart--
Now Heaven expels them, not to mar its splendor..."

Just an exerpt from Dante's Inferno that really spoke out to me. Dante and Virgil are entering into the gates of hell. Virgil explains that the first level of hell is for the neutral lives. The lives who did nothing wrong necessarily, yet their still condemned to hell...
Think about this...what are they punished for? Nothing. Doing nothing with their lives. Making a waste of themselves by just living life without a purpose.
I think theres alot of truth in this that applies to our lives today. Although tradition and doctrine may have changed since Dante, I think he captured the idea pretty clearly. It is wrong to do nothing. Plain and simple. Certainly if we claim to have any faith at all in God. He created each and every one of us with a special, important, unique purpose.
Its not a finite parallel between Dante and us, but its not hard to see that for us to be ignorant of that divinely appointed purpose, and do nothing with our lives, we become a disgrace to the God that hand crafted us, the God that loved us enough to give us life. Dont we owe him more?

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