Monday, February 16, 2009

Where are the non believers?

As we have been reading The Inferno and the different levels of Hell, each level and its punishment had to do with how the punishment fit the crime. Through out each and every circle of Hell, certain people are punished for 'doing' something. There are people who range from popes, priests, teachers, poets, lovers and so on. Through out the levels of Hell there are all these kinds of people and the punishments for there certain actions. However, why is the level for and the people who do not know God and did not have a relationship with him mentioned? I do not know why and the reason for Dante in not putting them in the lower circles of Hell. Maybe it could be his religious perspectives and views. In the Bible, Hell is mentioned as a lake of fire were there is eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth and no hope what so ever. The wages of sin is death not some place in Limbo where nothing happens to you and there is no punishment for your sins. Anyhow, i just thought that was significant and important to bring up. If anyone would feel free to add to that or whatever, please do so

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