Sunday, February 8, 2009

The tradition continued...

Does tradition change lives?  Can art truly change hearts and minds of people?  Can ornate buildings stir something in the depths of human souls that will impact eternity?  For instance, does the famous painting by Da Vinci, of the Last Supper, really stir hearts to a point beyond amazement, into a sense of something greater, the Incarnate One?  
I believe it takes something greater to effect us to the point of us becoming something greater in the most powerful sense of the word.  I can not impact someone on an eternal level, it must be something eternal to do the impacting.  Now, it is possible to see a beautiful work of art, and be absolutely touched at your soul, but I believe it is only on the surface level.  Now, some might argue that the soul is the soul, and you can not just touch the surface level of it.  This could be true.  I believe different.  I believe it takes the work of God the Father to impact someone eternally, at the true depths of their being.  "Every good gift comes from above."  So if something is truly good, truly impactful it has to be from Him, not the artist, not ourselves, but from the Living God.

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