Thursday, February 19, 2009

St. Thomas Aquinas gave this argument for the Unmoved Mover:  1)Some things are moved. 2)Everything that is moving is moved by a mover. 3)An infinite regress of movers is impossible. 4)Therefore, there is an unmoved mover from whom all motion proceeds. 5)The mover is what we call God.

The logic of this is simple, yet profound.  Many modern day believers for one do not know what they believe, or the people of faith they associate themselves with believe.  This is a problem.  Whether you are right in what you believe or not, you should know what just what it is you believe, and why you believe it.  I believe the worst mistake a human breathing air on this earth could make, is to think they have something they most certainly do not.  The thought of someone not knowing what they believe, or if they truly believe it, is horrendous.  We must, whether correct or not, know what we believe.  Be informed, and prepared mentally and spiritually.

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