Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Circles of Hell

Circle One - Those in limbo
Circle Two - The lustful
Circle Three - The gluttonous
Circle Four - The hoarders
Circle Five - The wrathful
Circle Six - The heretics
Circle Seven - The violent
Ring 1. Murderers, robbers, and plunderers
Ring 2. Suicides and those harmful to the world
Ring 3. Those harmful against God, nature, and art, as well as usurers
Circle Eight - The Fraudulent
Bowge (Trench) I. Panderers and Seducers
Bowge II. Flatterers
Bowge III. Simoniacs
Bowge IV. Sorcerers
Bowge V. Barrators
Bowge VI. Hypocrites
Bowge VII. Thieves
Bowge VIII. Counselors
Bowge IX. Sowers of Discord
Bowge X. Falsifiers
Circle Nine - Traitors
Region i: Traitors to their kindred
Region ii: Traitors to their country
Region iii: Traitors to their guests
Region iv: Traitors to their lords

I know its a long list... but it makes me think. How horrible were theses people that Dante puts into the circles of hell? Some have sins that are less severe than others. such as Circle seven, ring 1, murderers. For those who only murdered once they only have their feet in the boiling blood, but those who were murderers of large groups of people, such as leaders where completely submerged . When you look at society as a whole, we see many sins. We now do things openly that would have made Dante faint. (not that that is hard to do ) We as a culture are open about our sin, since most people dont even believe that most of what they are doing is sinful. The majority of the people in the media or in hollywood would most likely end up in a circle of Hell. I know thats not a comforting thought but according to Dante's conditions many people we associate with would end up suffering for all eternity. I know I am too into Dante when i start placing people in a circle. o you ate to much... circle three. i know it seems funny when you think of it like that, but in more realistic terms. Isnt the term.. going to hell in a hand-basket applicable to our society? and not just in Dante's hell but in God's as well.
shouldn't that inspire us to help the world? We push to many things off as ok instead of realizing what it is doing ourselves and our society. Hell is real its not just something from Dante's imagination. I think we as christians forget that sometimes. I know we all have heard the fire and brimstone sermon one to many times. but i think we sometimes get stuck in the nice christianity and forget about the jealous, and judgmental God.

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