Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can we really call this "art"?

What is the point of art nowadays? Byzantine art has so much meaning and imagery involved in the pieces of art, with many pointing to religious symbolism. What is the motivation for art done today? What message is behind art? Is there one? With images of splattered paint and childlike paintings, it is hard to see much substance behind some works of art.


This video is a short clip of a modern artist. His name is Jeff Koons. Throughout this video, numerous people mention the aspect of “religion” in art. But to most, the idea of “religious” background in his art is almost ridiculous. One guy at the end says that Koons has taken “religious” symbols and made them into something very materialistic. Is this where we are at now? Are we taking heavenly symbols, making them into Hallmark cards, and calling them works of art? Where is the spiritual background? I realize that this man does not represent all modern artists, and I am sure there were those that did not put Christian aspects in the art during the Byzantine period. I also do not believe that all things must be “religious” for it to be good. When is there going to be a deeper substance in art? When is there going to be a second Byzantine period?

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