Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Canto XVI: This is what I remember, though it may not be all there

Today in class, we discussed Canto XVI. We broke up to discuss it you know. I thought I would just put down what we talked about tonight. Canto 16(for that’s easier than XVI) is the canto about what happens to those who commit the sin of Sodomy, which I do not want to explain here. In this Canto, they can never stop wondering and moving, like they had to in the in the 15th canto, and if they do, they cannot move for 100 years which in a time of agony through burning and torture. We discussed one of the reasons they move is so that when they begin to burn and catch fire, they can move and pat themselves out.

This punishment is probably so they can’t stop and think about the act of sodomy, which was probably what got them into the problem in the first place. We decided that the place that they are in, the vast, hot, empty desert, could be a parallel to the fact that Sodomy will not give you offspring as will a relationship In the way that God meant for sex to be. The fact that they have to circle in a wheel to do or say anything we also attributed to this, in the fact that a circle always comes back to the same point.

While not the most agilely written thoughts or thesis, though, to tell the truth, I forgot a lot of what we said. Especially about Dante’s teacher who was down there, whom we also believe to be a pedophile. But what’s a blog if it really makes sense all the time?

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