Sunday, February 8, 2009

What weights are you pushing?

In Canto VII of the Inferno, Dante and Virgil come across two groups of souls inside a circle pushing weights in pain. Each group group completes a semicircle before crashing into the other group and turning around the opposite direction to do the same thing again. 

As I read and pondered this, I began to think about the different "weights" each of us push throughout our own lives. Whether it be guilt, pride, greed, or anything of that nature, we all push our own certain weights to some extent. But to what purpose? Do we feel obligated to carry certain weights to our death? Granted, some situations are more serious than others. But I'm mainly thinking about the trivial burdens in life that we all so willingly put up with on a daily basis. 

I know I might be taking this out of context a little from what the author was trying to get across,but for one reason or another these were just a few of the thoughts that were going through my mind as I was reading this, so I wanted to share. 

Cast your burden on the LORD,
And He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

-Psalm 55:22

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Josh! This is awesome. Psalm 55:22 is one of my favorite verses (The number "55" was my football number). I don't think you took the verse out of context at all. The Psalmist was speaking of his betrayal by a friend and the hurt it placed on him. Plenty of people take several kinds of hurt to the grave. People let outside circumstances have too much influence in their life. Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't mourn when you lose someone, or that you shouldn't rejoice when great things happen (like an "A" in a tough literature class), but I think the Psalmist wants us to realize their is a deeper hope, a Redeemer that will provide for every need. This redeemer told us that His yoke is easy and that His burden is light. Obviously though, the men that suffered in Dante's Inferno never understood this wonderful mystery.
