Saturday, February 14, 2009

Any Office fans out there?

So I do not know how many of you guys are fans of NBC's The Office. I am a fan. I think it is great! I think one of the best parts about it are the characters. One of the great characters is the one and only Michael Scott. For all of you losers who do not watch The Office (okay okay... you guys are not losers... just really lame. Just kidding!!!) Michael Scott is the ridiculous character boss of the paper company Dunder Mifflin. He considers himself quite the entertainer. He is constantly quoting comedians at inappropriate times and just saying plain inappropriate things. If you have heard that "that's what she said" joke, Michael Scott is the master of that joke. But being the "entertainer" that he is, Michael went to magic camp to learn how to be a magician. There is one episode in particular that he tries to perform a magic trip, but he fails miserably. I wanted to be able to post it, but I could not. If anyone is interested, it is the in the third season of The Office in I think the eighteenth episode called Cocktails. I think. But I could be mistaken. I did find something on youtube that sort of gives a little glimpse into the character of Michael Scott. Here's the link:

So you are all probably wondering what is the point of all of this. What does The Office have to do with anything that we have read so far? Well, I do not know if anyone else caught this, but one of the men that Dante meets in one of the levels of hell in The Inferno is a man named Michael Scott. I immediately thought of The Office when I read that. Ironically, or not, he is in the fourth pouch of the eighth circle of hell where the astrologers, diviners, and magicians are. Yes, MAGICIANS!!! To quote The Inferno,
"That other with the skinny flank is Michael Scott,
Who truly knew the game of magic fraud."
It makes me wonder if they planned that. It would be pretty weird if they did. But it is awesome nevertheless!!!
I think it is very interesting how Dante attributes punishments that fit the crime or sin committed. In this level, these people who had used magic, sorcery, and witchcraft to see the future where doomed to be looking backwards forever. Their heads and necks were twisted backwards so they can never again see what is in front of them. It really makes me think about what I do. What if everything we did had that same kind of consequence? I mean it would be a little ridiculous if you saw people with their heads turned around backwards or people caught on fire. But would we maybe think a little more before we sinned against the Almighty God? I know it is not like that, and I am glad for it. But it is just an interesting thought.

P.S. If you do not watch The Office or do not like it, I really do not think you are a loser or lame. I was seriously just kidding. I do really like it though!

1 comment:

  1. So my link did not post... I have no idea what I am doing with this blog thing. Sp here it is for real now:
    Sorry about that.
