Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So speaking of midterms...

So Augustine is obviously of the opinion that language is an inferior form of communication due to its transitory nature and it's lack of true eternal worth. This is then because the ones who utilize language as we know it, words, symbols, are themselves transient? I suppose that language would be considered inferior to a non-discursive image because an image is supposed to be a reflection of the truth. I'm sure, then, that it is no coincidence then that we are made in the image of God.

The image is less removed from the truth than language. In fact, language follows image in every aspect; what need have we for words unless the represent an image, a reflection of truth. It is interesting to me to consider that the Trinity was in such perfect communion before creation, (what with each entity being omniscient) that there was likely no need for language. Does it then follow that those first words that spoke creation into existence were both a blessing and a curse to the universe? For now the silence has been broken and there is a new style of mediation that has been created in time and is transitory as is every earthly thing. Is it possible that this foreshadowed the coming of Christ to intervene on our behalf? I do believe that perhaps language was a part of God's great plan for humanity. He know that fellowship with Him would soon enough be broken and that man would be incapable of maintaining fellowship with Him (and therefore with fellow men) without a fool-proof form of communication. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems that language, inferior though it may be to the Truth, is a gift to us.

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