Friday, February 6, 2009

A Little Confession of My Own...

Okay so I have never really participated in blogs or anything and I was a little scared to do so, which is why my first blog is so late.

I used to read ALL the time. In fact, most of the time you wouldn't see me without a book and my face buried in it. I would read 500-page books and longer in a day because I didn't want to wait to find out the end of the story. Summer reading was optional in middle school, but when they started requiring us to do it in high school, I pretty much gave up on reading and I didn't read much in high school unless it was out of a textbook. I absolutely love reading, but when I am forced to do it, it takes all the fun out of it.

In my entire high school career, I only read two books that we were required to read, which is surprising considering I was an Honors and AP student. Both were summer reading books and I had to write reports on both of them. The first was Night by Elie Wiesel the summer before my freshman year and the second was Angels and Demons by Dan Brown the summer before senior year. [They are two of my favorite books now:)] Every other book I was supposed to read, I read the SparkNotes for it and did very well in every English class. So I come to college thinking that I can do the same thing. Definitely NOT a good idea. I didn't fail the last English course, but I didn't make the A i was wanting either. When I saw my transcript, I cried. Yes, cried. I have always made straight A's and that was not the case last semester. After that day, I promised myself that I would actually read everything I was assigned and that if I had homework to do I wouldn't put it off. Obviously I've already broken that promise seeing as my first blog is about a month late; however, I have been reading all of the books so far and I plan to do so for the rest of my college career!

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