Monday, February 9, 2009

The Structure of My Worship

It's amazing to look at churches today. In the Middle Ages, their appearance was unified with similar themes in their structure; but today one can drive thirty miles in Alabama and see dozens of churches that vary immensely not only in their doctrine, but in their style and build. I attend a church where there are no stained glass windows, no huge pipe organ, no intricate paitings on on the wall - I love to worship with my brothers and sisters there in the simple design of a modern church. I wake up excited on Sunday mornings, ready to go and participate in praising my GOD in a setting where I know every song and my heart beats to the rhythm of the drums. But I love just as much entering into an old cathedral with tall ceilings, beautiful artwork, and no drum set in sight. I walk into a house of worship centuries old and my breath is taken away at the beauty of the reverence for our holy GOD. Praise takes place in languages I cannot speak, and yet I can understand what they are saying because I know the One they are honoring. This makes me wonder at my worship...if it is true worship, does it matter what surrounds me or what type of architecture encloses me? Or does it have to do with my heart? Yes, I believe that surroundings can sometimes inspire us and encourage our worship...but if we rely on a setting that pleases us or that is comfortable, can we be free to worship our Creator "in spirit and in truth?" Maybe if I look inward instead of outward - into the structure of my worship instead to the structure of a building - I can please GOD in whatever setting I am. GOD once told Samuel concerning a shepherd boy that "Man looks at the outward appearance, but GOD looks at the heart." After all, the only surrounding David had was the hillsides and pastures...and yet GOD called him "a man after His own heart."

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