Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Now?

After looking at Dante's Inferno, I have to ask myself, "what if I were to visit hades?"  What would I think?  Who would I see?  Who would I not see?  What would my feelings be?  Shock?  Awe?  Sadness?  Stoicism?  What would the depths of my soul be crying?  When I first set eyes on the people in that horrid place, would I know that I did not my part to honor my Master?

I have to think that shame may be added to the long list of proposed feelings?  I had a close friend tell me about one of his discussions with a professing atheist.  This atheist said, "How much do you have to HATE someone if you know the way to heaven, and believe it with everything you have, and would not tell a person of different beliefs, or just lacking of any at all?"  This statement blew me away.  If I really believe that Jesus is the Way to Heaven, and relationship with the Father, then why would I not tell every soul I see.   If hell is real, then why would I allow anyone to go there without me sharing with them.  Am I too proud to let someone who does not know the Way be ill-informed about the way to eternal life.  Are we believers honoring the great commission:  Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and  preach the gospel."  

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