Friday, February 20, 2009

What if Saint Thomas Aquinas were president?

Well, unless you have been living under a rock for the past month, you know that our nation has a new president. On January 20th, we welcomed our forty-fourth president, Barack Hussein Obama. Now, I for one can say that I hate politics. I never really get in to it, nor was I a fan of either presidential candidate. However, I have always been very interested in the abortion platform. Before I even considered who I was going to vote for, I researched their views on abortion. I am a devout member of the pro-life stand. I believe that once a child is conceived, they are in fact a human being and, according to our Constitution, are, "endowed by their Creator, with certain rights- of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
So, after our lecture on Thursday, I started to do a little research. I was trying to follow-up on what our guest speaker was saying about Saint Aquinas' view on abortion. She had stated, that many people mis-interpret his beliefs. While I was trying to research Aquinas' views, I found an interesting article. The quote you will find below was found at

Obama’s record is beyond “fierce.” Not only has Obama dared to support the right to a partial-birth abortion, but in the Illinois state Senate, Obama fought against a Born-Alive Infant Protection Act, designed to offer legal protections to a child who survived an abortion attempt. In one debate in 2002, in a great spasm of ideological ardor, he argued it was acceptable for babies to be killed after they’d exited the womb, since trying to keep this tiny survivor alive “would just burden the original decision of the mother to abort the child."

This is the same Senator Obama that declared in April that he wouldn’t want his daughters to be “punished with a baby” for having premarital sex without contraceptives.

Ladies and gentleman, this is who we elected as our new president. If your stomach didn't cringe when you read that, then please feel free to comment. Like I said before, I normally don't get into debating over presidential candidates. However, this quote really took a punch at my stomach. If Saint Aquinas were still around, what would he say about this?

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