Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The England That Once Was....

When I listen to Celtic music, like "Celtic Thunder," or music with a Celtic flavor, like the soundtracks to The Lord of the Rings or The Chronicles of Narnia, the England that once was comes to life again! The drums beat to the beat of my heart like the thrumming of waves on the English coast; the pipes and flutes carry me to her mist-covered moors; the harps and violins pluck me from my chair and set my feet to dancing like her people so love to do. Music has the ability to take you back to days long dead and make you a part of that time, filling your heart with love and longing. When one listens to a Gregorian chant, she can almost see the monks of Lindisfarne making their way to morning prayers before the Vikings desecrated the sacred island monastary. These kinds of music connect our time with the past, with the time of King Lear or Sir Gawain, and for that brief moment, while the drums are pulsing and the pipes are reeling in the air, we become people of that time, where talk of Faeries was common place, and a part of an England that will never be again.

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