Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Modern Non-Discursive: Expressed Semi-Discursively

Okay, enough with the wordiness. Today, while riding along in Sally the Sequel (my affectionately named Ford Focus) I was enjoying a bit of David Crowder’s musical goodness when he so kindly presented me with this modern expression of the non-discursive within creativity:

I need words

As wide as sky

I need language large as

This longing inside

And I need a voice

Bigger than mine

And I need a song to sing You

That I've yet to find

I need You, 

Oh, I need You

I need You, 

Oh, I need You

To be here now

To be here now

To hear me now

To hear me now.

-”I Need Words”-David Crowder-

I find it interesting that Crowder - the same mind behind sunsets and sushi and the eschatology of bluegrass - appeals to the same consolation for inexpressible things as did Augustine and the medieval minds. Both Crowder and Augustine are actively aware that is the very presence of the Source of inexpressible things that comforts the overflowing soul. 

Augustine put it well: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Either your heart is restless or it is at rest. Essentially, either you “get” the concept of the inexpressible - those things that are just to be treasured, pondered, and responded to in creativity - or you don’t. Fortunately, it can always be discovered straight from the Source. But for me, it’s comforting to know that the same non-discursive that Augustine wrestled with in the Confessions is still communicated in modern creativity. The Source of creativity never dies.

So perhaps this image hasn’t been discarded after all.

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