Monday, April 27, 2009

Personal Depth Perception

As we begin to review for finals, I reminded myself to look again at all of the art paintings and topics that we discussed. One interesting thing to note is atmospheric perspective, or sometimes called depth perception. Atmospheric perspective is the craft of making objects look less in size and more like a background. The size of the objects will decrease along with the imagined distance. Objects will overlap to show which object has the greater distance. Even the spacing is affected by the concept of atmospheric perspective. As figures grow in distance they are placed closer and closer together. One of the debatably greatest painter however, struggled with his own depth perception. Sure, Michaelangelo Buonarroti Simoni was magnificient at painting with every form of painting, including depth perceptive, yet he never considered himself any good at painting. Michaelangelo’s perception of his own talents was very limited. Fortunately for the rest of the world, this did not stop him from painting. He has paineted some of the greatest masterpieces ever, including the Sistine Chapel. Too many times today and throughout history, people let the perception of themselves from within or from other people limit what the can and cannot do. One of the goals of the Honors department at the University of Mobile is breaking through the limits of society and erasing the limits that we even place on ourselves.

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