Saturday, April 25, 2009

Positive and Normative Behaviors

So, For my final honors blog EVER, I've decided, with the help of one Shelley Boozer, to address a dilima that each of us face week in and week out. It's a matter of appearance vs reality, what should be vs what is. And the question is this: does Dr Mitchell really have coffee in his coffee cup? Many of us have reason to believe that he is just in the habit of carrying it to class with him and taking a swig every now and then. But we are not fully convinced that he's always got something in the cup. Now, granted, this may have changed as of late, what with the addition of the coffee pot to the "honors room," but still it seems highly unlikely that each cup lasts as long as he makes it appear to. And not only is there a possibility that Dr M is walking around drinking out of an empty's an empty Spring Hill cup. Quite the rebel, that Dr Mitchell, carrying around a Spring Hill cup. Well there's a lesson for you: don't always accept appearance as reality and, on a secular campus, don't carry around coffee cups with the rivals logo on it.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is some coffee in the cup, but only for a short time...
