Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh Logic, What Have You Been Up To Now?

Dr. William S. Hatcher, author of Love, Power, and Justice: The Dynamics of Authentic Morality proves the existence of God with the logic of relations rather than Aristotilian logic of attributes (if that means anything to you at all). But here are his proofs, which are somewhat similar to St. Thomas Aquinas' but still different and definitely modern.

1) Everything in the universe is either preceded by a cause or else contains within itself a sufficient reason for its existence.
2) For every system or composite phenomenon, any cause for the system is also a cause for every part of the system. (Every material thing, except possibly the elementary particles of quantum physics, is composite.)
3) The existence of a whole system cannot precede the existence of its components (or, he writes, "the constitution of a whole obviously supposes and depends upon the prior or simultaneous existence of its components.")

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