Sunday, April 26, 2009


Have you ever sometimes felt, after doing something wrong or just being far from where He would have you be, that you couldn't just kneel at his feet and ask for forgiveness. Felt like you had to do something to pay for your sins. Even though He says that if we come to Him and repent He will accept us back as His children, forgetting all and rejoicing in our return, it sometimes feels like coming back just isn't enough. Sometimes it feels like you have to do something, or feel a certain way before you can truly be back on track where you need to be. That's not how it is supposed to be- God made a way for us to never have to feel this way. We are heirs with him, completely and totally.

When the prodigal son came home, the father wouldn't even listen to the long explanation the son had prepared before he got there. The father embraced him with open arms and rewarded him with love and acceptance. He ignored any attempt at an apology- so great was his joy for his son to be home. This is how it is. The enemy will try to steal our joy. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes we curb-stomp him and hug our Father right back. ^_^ that's how I like to view it, anyway.

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