Sunday, April 26, 2009

Racism- Crash

Again with Dr. Talmage's class.

A question:
Is racism learned or nature?
Is it something you are taught, or is it something that some people are just born with?
Is it something you that happens because of your surroundings, or because of what you're NOT surrounded with?
Is it against your will or because of your will?

Watching Crash made me really think about it. I realized that a lot of it has to do with a blend of some of these things. It is something you are taught, not nature. Your surroundings can cause you to pre-judge (a little Indian [from India] boy who grows up in a predominantly southern caucasion neighborhood gets picked on, he may then feel like all white people are mean and may not get over it). But one can still choose to not assume. It definitely isn't ok, but you can see how your upbringing can teach such things.
Also, fear seems to play a part it. After Pearl Harbor, everyone assumed all Asians hated Americans. After 911 everyone assumed anyone from that area was a terrorist. People walking down the street may see a black man dressd in baggy jeans, over-sized t-shirt, gold chains, and a side-ways cap and assume they have a gun and plan to rob someone. All of these assumptions are so ignorant- not even founded enough to say they have credit.

So how can anyone get so bent up over the color of another's skin? Afterall, it's just melanin.

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