I was looking at art either done during the Medieval Era, or art depicting it. I came across this picture...I don't know when or who drew this, but as I looked at it, I was taken back by the meaning it can have. The girl on the wall is trying to protect her city and those closest to her from a soldier attacking the wall. She is willing to tear down the wall - the symbol of her strength purposed to keep invaders out - to destroy her enemy. Thinking of this in light of the modern, I think that it is sometimes true that the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs we have accepted to be truth and stability often put us in danger. While we think we are protecting ourselves by hiding behind the ways things have been done for years, we would be more useful if we tore them down and exposed ourselves to danger in order to secure our safety. Even if the walls we tear down with our questions and refusal to accept ideas without grounds to truly believe them and find that they were true after all, will not our walls be stronger because we have built rebuilt them ourselves after conquering the enemy of doubt? Maybe I'm reading into that too deeply...I just want to make sure that my walls are on strong foundations.
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