Sunday, April 26, 2009

Storm scene Russian movie

Just the fact that Lear is screaming to the element in Russian is awesome.
The scenery is woods; dogs represent Goneril and Regan, hog represents the deadly Edmund, the frantic wild horses represent the nights of the kings’s company whom Goneril and Regan have gotten rid of.
The wind represents his driving anger. It as if Lear screams I hate existing for I am Agony. The scene is a barren waist land, with a man who seems so small against the elements. His running represents his madness. He is a man who has not accepted his fault of being quick tempered. Then you see him up close the music is madness. He screams at nature and then falls. Nature beats him to his knees where he humbly accepts his faults. He is now a more real person although he's not yet finished with his screaming. Then the rains begin to fall and there is something in rain that is so real. The rain melts his madness. Soon his real friends, namely Kent and the Nave, convince him to inter into the hut. Lear has been transformed by nature to his real self which leads him to only wish to be with those who love him namely Cordelia.

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