Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dante is a confused soul

In the Inferno of Dante, Dante walks through hell with Virgil as his guide. The shades or souls there receive an ironic counter punishment for there crime. Dante shows pity to some like Paula and Francesca stabbed together in a kissing embrace. Others he rebukes for there sin like the Popes shoved into the hole, and some he even maltreats like the liars and the betrayers. How Dante reacts to those in hell tells a lot about Dante as a character not an author. Dante is confused about what is true love and what is lustful infidelity when he pities Paula and Francesca. He easily blames the Popes for there sin because he has no part in their type of sin, and he maltreats the liars and betrayer, because he is a liar. He shows he is a liar when he promises to clear the eyes of a poor soul, if the soul tells him his name, when the soul does tell him his name, he leaves without helping him. From Dante’s responses to specific punishments we learned that Dante is confused about love, is quick to rebuke wrong that is not of his kind, and is a liar.

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