Monday, April 27, 2009

Botticelli's Venus

I came across a picture of Botticelli's Birth of Venus and as is every time I see it, I am blown away at the creativity and artship of these Rennaisance painters.. as well as the in-class discussions about this particular piece... [the DaVinci Code thing Dr. Mitchell has going on was pretty cool.. I love the DaVinci Code, both book and movie]

Botticelli's proportions on Venus is what gets me, though. Her stance is sloppy, one shoulder practically missing and one shoulder too big and the weight on balanced on one leg.. perhaps the missing shoulder was created so the arm would be long enough for censorship? Or perhaps Botticelli is signifying that this lady is in fact a goddess and therefore isn't really human at all.. and what is she looking at, eyes cast downward? Is she trying to be demure, this Goddess of beatury and love? I suppose we'll never know, just only deduce.

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