Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Maddness of Honors

As epic as Shakespeare’s tragedies can be there is nothing more fun than his comedies and A Midsummer’s Nights Dream is no exception. The other day while doing a read through of the script in preparation for Honors Medieval madness I heard Dr. Mitchell talking about how a performance of Midsummer lives and dies on the performance of Puck and I began to wonder why Shakespeare would have so much rest on a such a relatively minor character. Did he even realize he was doing that or did Puck simply take on a life of his own? I wouldn’t put it passed that mischievous imp.
In getting to know the story better I began to understand that Puck is on the edge of madness. He is a coiled spring of energy that heightens the audience’s involvement in the story. He is also the force that helps move the story; He is that catalyst of everything. Though he is not as beautiful and light of foot as the other fairies or as imposing as Oberon he carries the show through to completion. He is a trickster that keeps everyone on their toes and really sells the show. Hats off to our own Puck, Bethany :)
Last Friday was an amazing effort by all involved in the play and in the trebuchet. I really think we raised the bar for future honors classes. I completely agree with Mitchell, That is what honors is! Its thinking outside the box, its pushing the limits of yourself and campus security. It’s setting things on fire! It’s finding something real if even for one night and clinging to it. Great Job Everyone!

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