Sunday, April 26, 2009

Medieval Maps

Before I started elementary school, I had the misconception that the entire world consisted of Mobile. As I got older, I learned about Alabama. Then the United States. Then North America. And eventually every part of the world. Looking back, I feel so retarded for thinking that the world was just one giant continent that consisted of Alabama.

I took a lot of notes and drew pictures of the maps on the powerpoint presentation when we had the class about Medieval Maps. These maps made me feel a lot better about my childhood misconception. I realized that people in Medieval times were not able to travel, so the only world they knew of was wherever they lived. Now I understand why they created maps that didn't have every continent on it.

I feel blessed to live in a world with so much technology because it enables us to learn about other parts of the world without actually going there. And you can access Medieval Maps like these...

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