Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Research Paper

This afternoon I completed what I think is one of my best papers. I have always hated writing papers and this was only my third research paper, but I actually enjoyed doing it, which is still very hard for me to believe. It was very time consuming and I found myself getting more distracted than I needed to; however, I was able to finish it the day before and not have to pull an all-nighter. I think that because I was really interested in the subject, I actually wanted to write the paper and learn more about my topic.

My topic was suffering in specific parts of the Bible, the Inferno, and the Confessions. When i first read the Inferno and the Confessions, it never really hit me that the suffering of each person was for a purpose. I learned a lot about how suffering is part of God's plan for our lives and that we should count it a blessing to experience suffering because it means that God is molding our character to be more like him. I love the story of Job and how he lost everything, but he refused to curse God and he remained positive throughout his suffering. And God blessed him for it. :)

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