Sunday, April 26, 2009

How did they do it?

During this week, my eyes have really been open to things of the past. This whole week i have been helping build the Trebuchet. I knew that it would take some time, but I never thought that it would take so much effort and hard work. There was so much design and details that were put into it to make it work. I can only imagine what people during the Middle Ages went though to build such a device. It amazes me that with such limited technology one could build a catapolt which could launch objects up to 300lbs and things such as a horse. That is a whole lot bigger than a roll of duct tape or a cantalope. Also, just the size of those built during the Middle Ages is amazing. With tools such as axes, wedges, hand saws, and hand drills, they built tribuchets as tall as over 30 feet and arms as long as 50 feet. They could also have counterpoises up to 20,000lbs. By building just a 10ft Tribuchet I now have a better understanding and appreaciation of what was done to even build a 20ft one back in the day.

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