Saturday, April 25, 2009

A blog about life...and death

So this is gonna be depressing, but I just found out that my grandfather has passed away. My dad was telling me Wednesday night about how my grandfather had slipped into a coma. Then he went on to tell me about a theory he had formed about this. He wonders if my grandfather's spirit was still with his body at that point or if he was already praising at the feet of the Father. I couldn't tell him one way or the other, but I do have a hard time believing that everyone in a comatose state is either in heaven or hell because that would mean that those people who come out of their comas would have experienced either heaven of hell. I don't know of any books or movies, interviews or tv shows about this experience, so I'm assuming that is probably not what happens. Maybe it is something much less exciting, and in fact kind of scary; maybe those in a coma are kind of trapped in their own bodies, aware of what's going on around them, but completely unable to respond. (Wow. That sounds like something from a sci-fi movie.) But aren't we all trapped in our own skin? Except at this point, we each are able to control the actions of our bodies....Maybe they don't feel trapped at all, and it's more like a deep sleep. I don't know what the grounds for my dad's theory are, but I feel like it gives him some peace thinking that Grandaddy was not experiencing pain.

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