Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Duccio vs. Giotto: Who's Work is More Realistic?

Here is an excellent video depicting samples Giotto's works. Personally, even though Giotto's works are beautiful and show some of the early attempts at emotion and demension in art, it is the works of Duccio that I find most realistic. In his "Betrayal of Jesus," the characters depicted are less stiff than those in Giotto's paintings, and give you the sense of more action. Because of his use of such striking shading and light, he creates a closer illusion of flowing cloth and more deminsion and life to the many faces represented. Although Giotto depicts emotion on the faces of his painted characters, Duccio manages to put more realism into his faces, each one a little different than the last, using softer lines and details, giving the faces and expressions a more life-like appearance. However, whether you side with Giotto or Duccio, both artists gave the world beautiful, priceless masterpieces that will remain among the most beloved examples of Italian Renaissance art.

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