Monday, April 27, 2009

Human trebuchet.. O__o

So trebuchets are the world's coolest things, right? Ours, especially.. [For Narnia!]

but I am so glad we didn't go through with launching a human in ours.. I'm sure our medieval brethern would be terrified to see their sport of human conquest/biological warfare/ultimate torture weapon being used in such a fashion so as to destroy human life, right?

Think about it: what if our medieva counterparts had indeed launched living mortals from their trebuchets? I don't think it would have had the same menacing effect, since humans can't really break down stone castles... and it would have been terrible had it backfired. Instant death both ways, really... yumyum. --- mind the Japanese but the gist of it is this guy gets launched out of a trebuchet.. please don't try this at home... it's really quite unstable and dangerous....

Botticelli's Venus

I came across a picture of Botticelli's Birth of Venus and as is every time I see it, I am blown away at the creativity and artship of these Rennaisance painters.. as well as the in-class discussions about this particular piece... [the DaVinci Code thing Dr. Mitchell has going on was pretty cool.. I love the DaVinci Code, both book and movie]

Botticelli's proportions on Venus is what gets me, though. Her stance is sloppy, one shoulder practically missing and one shoulder too big and the weight on balanced on one leg.. perhaps the missing shoulder was created so the arm would be long enough for censorship? Or perhaps Botticelli is signifying that this lady is in fact a goddess and therefore isn't really human at all.. and what is she looking at, eyes cast downward? Is she trying to be demure, this Goddess of beatury and love? I suppose we'll never know, just only deduce.

The Story we didn't read but should have

I am of course talking about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the story I happened to have done my paper on.

One word: Chivalry.

What is chivalry, exactly? is it merely just saving damsels in distress or fighting for the love of a particular noble lady? Is it protecting the weak and fighting for honor?

From a medieval romance's prospective, chivalry is acknowledging God as the giver of all of the traits that create the chivalristic attitude such as grace, mercy, strength, chastity, and honor. According to the unknown poet who wrote Sir Gawain, God doesn't want martial prowess or strength... he wants humble and contrite hearts who acknowlege His prescence and gives all glory to Him.

I mean think about it. In the beginning of the tale, King Arthur's court, the "height" of chivalry and noble attitude, focused more on the merriment and wordly pleasures than giving their God the solemnity and praise He deserved on Christmas... and when the Green Knight comes with a challenge for Arthur's knights and they, in their cowardly pride, sit and quake with fear?

I think not.

The Green Knight exposes the facade of Arthur's court for what they really are.. having strayed the path of chivalry--and at that, strayed from God. Only Gawain is pure enough--and humble enough-- to take on the challenge.. but even Gawain strays from the true Author of chivalry but finally realizes that he can't match magic against the one true God.

So true chivalry comes from God, not from a noble attitude created by lofty nobles... I learned quite a lot from this story...

King Lear, act III, scene ii video

um.. I hope you guys haven't started grading.. just took me till now to get this stupid thing to work properly...

okay. I just found the most brilliant version of Act III, Scene ii from "King Lear" on youtube... this guy is AMAZING!

Watch the fool as well and see how well the two characters play off of each other. There isn't much more than the men and the rain and pure raw emotion and very

very good acting. This scene is a very crucial part of the whole entire story, poor Lear...
and the Fool really plays off of Lear as well.. oh just watch!

The Dare

Retrospect is always a blessing and a curse. Personally, it always make me smile. This semester we as the honors class took on some lofty ideas. I had the honor (Amy please note the pun) of leading half of the class to build a trebuchet. This siege weapon is similar to a catapult. The most significant theme of this project was each step was more difficult then planned or even imagined. Most of us thought it would be easily knocked out in an afternoon, however it took well over eighteen hours of building time. The most impressive quality of the project is the team members who didn’t quit and sacrificed valuable time, skipped meals, and perspired to get the job done. Now, there are two highlighted or “kodak” moments that I experienced throughout the project. Ironically, none of them happened during the planned showing on Friday night. The second best moment, and the most humbling came after both the launching of the firearm and the Shakespeare performance. The whole night I was fuming because the trebuchet did not go near as planned. It worked perfectly, consecutively the night before without any problems. The next evening, however, it seemed as if it could only perform 20% of the time. Turns out, we had seemed to fix every problem except for one simeple problem and I was too blinded by my own frustration to see it, despite many others’ warning: we had to much counterweight. None the less, a few hours after the firing (or misfiring most of the time), one of the team members had preserved and wrapped up the launching pin and gave it to me. As moving as that moment was for me, what happened the previous night meant even more. The word trebuchet is not very common, neither is the sight of one. During the designing and even building process there were some that doubted and still others that did not realize exactly what they were making. But, on Thursday night, when the beast was created. I got to see others and myself building something greater than we could have imagined. My hope is not that the next Honors class would build a trebuchet (of course they can if they want) but rather, that they would dare to do something that makes them grow, fail, and succeed. I wish that the returning and upcoming students would tackle something that is unattainable.

Personal Depth Perception

As we begin to review for finals, I reminded myself to look again at all of the art paintings and topics that we discussed. One interesting thing to note is atmospheric perspective, or sometimes called depth perception. Atmospheric perspective is the craft of making objects look less in size and more like a background. The size of the objects will decrease along with the imagined distance. Objects will overlap to show which object has the greater distance. Even the spacing is affected by the concept of atmospheric perspective. As figures grow in distance they are placed closer and closer together. One of the debatably greatest painter however, struggled with his own depth perception. Sure, Michaelangelo Buonarroti Simoni was magnificient at painting with every form of painting, including depth perceptive, yet he never considered himself any good at painting. Michaelangelo’s perception of his own talents was very limited. Fortunately for the rest of the world, this did not stop him from painting. He has paineted some of the greatest masterpieces ever, including the Sistine Chapel. Too many times today and throughout history, people let the perception of themselves from within or from other people limit what the can and cannot do. One of the goals of the Honors department at the University of Mobile is breaking through the limits of society and erasing the limits that we even place on ourselves.

A Glimmering Light Is Not Enough

Light is a very interesting thought. I guess I can call it a thought because even scientists still argue over whether light is a type of energy or matter. In a review of some of the early medieval authors I reread some of Augustine’s Confessions. I came across an interesting concept. In the end of chapter X, section 33, Augustine says, “Why are they not happy? It is because they are more occupied in other things which make them more wretched then their tenuous consciousness of the truth that makes them happy. For among humanity there is ‘still a little light.’ May they walk, may they indeed walk, ‘so that the darkness does not capture them’ (John 12:35).” I like this. Augustine is describing how all people have a hint or flicker of light in them of where true happiness comes from, that is in Christ. I like how he points out that the reason why many never and we all often do not look to that source of light. People begin to become satisfied or desire things that are less than Perfection. We all get ‘caught up’ in busy things throughout the day, week or year that demand our attention. Yet, something more important demands our attention that we often pass by. I hope that as the summer draws nigh and then after a new season of school begins, we can all set aside specific moments and times to recognize where true happiness comes from and meditating on Him. I also would like to translate the passage in a second way. Within Christianity, especially the Christian arts, people often become satisfied with unsatisfactory work. When Christians attempt music, film, and other various industries they often fail. The problem is not their failure, but rather how they fail. You see, Christians should be making the best kind of art. Let me clarify that a song should not be the best song because it mentions Jesus a couple times, how much we love Him, etc… Christians should musically compose the best songs. For instance, Bach was a devout Christian and his songs are orchestrated and often do not have words to accompany them! The way I see this trend relating to the text is that often times an artists and workers become satisfied with becoming more occupied with outside things that make them more wretched. Christians should not go about their work frivolously! They should go at it with a fervor that no other human being can, because one can’t without Christ. They should also have the best films or music or artwork because the eternal Creator that created art, music and film working through them. In short, don’t be satisfied with getting by, but push forth because you have a higher calling and a greater Help.

“In the same way, let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

The End of an Era

Just as the Medieval Era eventually faded away, so must this portion of my life fade. With the end of this school year, I have completed my honors program and will not be returning to Honors English next semester. Thank you to my teachers for opening my mind to the wonderful creativity of mankind throughout the ages, and thank you to my classmates and friends that provided many different viewpoints on our wonderful history.

God bless you guys.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


My favorite thing about honors is that exiting feeling right before class knowing that you have to be ready for anything. The other awesome thing about honors is meeting and getting to know some very unique individuals. Thanks All! Dr Mitchell, I believe your enthusiasm is a reflection of God our Creator. Great Job!

Lord of the Rings and the Inferno

With the Medieval Madness and Trebuchets and all, my mind has been on nothing else. This whole week, i dont know why, but my mind has been on Lord of the Rings. Especially with the third one with the huge trebuchets at the end of the movie. While i was writing my final paper, i was writing on Dante. And lately, i realized how similar the two are together. In Lord of the Rings, Sam and Frodo are like Dante as they travel through different places outside of the Shire. Also there is Golom who is like Virgil who guides them through these places which are like levels of hell towards Mordor. There are certain places in the Lord of the Rings which are like that in the Inferno like the lake of the dead and the orcs who are like the demons in hell. After thinking about the Inferno, it was almost as if The Lord of the Rings was a Medieval version of it. Anyhow, i think that there is something interesting to the two and that somehow they are both related.

OMG, Love!

When two single people of the opposite sex meet for the first time...four things happen.

1) They make eye contact.
2) They assess eachother through body language.
3) They audibly (or physically, if they are mute) attempt communication.
4) They decide whether the person looking at them is a good candidate for a boyfriend/girlfriend.

If you say, "No, Jake...that's not true at all!", you are lying to yourself. Whether the person you meet is ugly or beautiful or just sort of a halfsy, you make sure to know if that person is worth talking to again...and on what level.

(+20 points for those of you who doubt me. You'll need the points later.)

Here's where I break it off. I will talk to girls first and guys second...extending to them the lessons I've learned and things I wish them to know as separate genders.

Dear Ladies,

STOP! Before you do anything else with your time...STOP! Think about the men in your life that really care about you. I'm not talking about your hott new catch that just bought you a diamond-embroidered necklace or that guy from your History class who flirted with you earlier because "what his girlfriend doesn't know, can't hurt her". NO. I'm talking about the guy sitting next to you...the one who doesn't try to touch you inappropriately...the one who talks you through every trial in your life...the one who wants to solve all of your problems, but doesn't because he knows that will only make you angry...the one who can read you like a book. So, change out of that mini-skirt/halter-top with the LONG neckline combo and into an outfit that leaves a little something to the imagination. While boys are attracted to skin and are attracted to studying habits and tact. Think about the last time you had a crush on someone. Was he the guy that talks too much in class, wears WAY too much cologne, hits on the teacher, and wears that ever-so-adorable pink polo with a popped collar? If the answer is're good to go. You have this whole "reality" thing figured out. (+30 points) If the answer was yes, then you have failed.

You're not seeing the big picture. The guys that flirt with you constantly and make advances in ways you never even knew existed are the same guys that will eventually sit in their lazyboys every Sunday, watch the big game, and yell at their wives to get them a beer. I mean, if you're into that sort of "intimate" relationship, then go my guest. If you want a real man who won't abandon you, who won't cheat on you, and who won't ever let you open a door need to look at the humble guys. "OMG, Jake!", you may say. "Those guys are like really ugly and probably play video games and don't even buy energy drinks!" Yes, you're right. They DON'T care about their appearances, they DO play video games, and they DON'T buy energy drinks. Here's the thing: That "nobody" you call a mutual friend probably cleans up a lot better than you think. Also, most gamers tend to have a more affectionate side. (That's for you, Jeremy.) You aren't looking hard enough. Since when do girls have to fight for the affection of men? Why can't you just be worth it? Why do you have to degrade yourselves to please us? Why do you fall for these guys that will only cause you trouble? Don't pretend you can't see trouble coming. You are FEMALES! You know when something bad is about to happen. It's just in your genes. You say girls are smarter than boys...then, start acting like it! Find a guy who would voluntarily watch Sleepless in Seattle with you...a guy who would cover your legs with blankets and not his hands...a guy who will kiss your tears away...a guy who shows you love like you've never known before. If you keep falling for these cheap, brainless, too-tan-to-be-natural'll end up alone time after time. (+15 points for singing the Cyndi Lauper song.) My main concern here is this: You are looking for a man with passion...with strength...a guy who is accessible to you...a man that speaks his mind. You want a guy who is...and you girls never can stress this enough..."CONFIDENT!!!!!!!" Guess what, girls? Confidence doesn't matter if he's not willing to listen to you. You girls have become so willing to accept the first thing you see. Who could blame you though? We've given you nothing but level of extroversion to play on. The more confident the guy is, the more girls will talk to him. How do you think Flavor Flav does it? I leave you with this thought: Boys will come and go...but a man will stick with you no matter what. (Don't worry though...I'm talking to the guys next. They need to work on a LOT more than you do.)

Dear dudes,

If you have found yourself in the "friend zone" situation, you'll find this interesting. Ladies aren't going out with these "jerks" because that stud earring is appealing or because Axe smells good. (It doesn't.) They date guys like that because they are CONFIDENT. Give a nerd a dating sim and he'll love for a day. (Or until he beats it.) Give a nerd the ability to date actual girls and he'll love for the rest of his life. (-20 points if you've actually played a dating sim.) I'm simply implying that you need to get your voice out there. If you are worried about sounding like an idiot, that's ohkay. Every guy sounds like an idiot the second he opens his mouth. Don't worry if the cute girl in the corner only laughs at buff guy's jokes. Think of some better jokes to tell...or play off of his jokes. Here's a site:
See, girls love humor. The only thing they love more than humor is creativity. You can be the funniest guy in the entire world and not know how to create a good mood. If you can't plan a fun date, write her a beautiful love letter, or interact with her ever-changing thoughts continuously, you're screwed. Girls are less interested in appearance than you think. Ever watch the King of Queens? (Me either.) What I'm saying is...with some personal touch-ups and a few hours of Project Runway every week, you could have that cute blonde swooning over you and your obese, unappealing body. I know what you're thinking. "But can I be fashionable and sexy? I am but a poor student with nothing to give but my Level 70 Druid!" (-20 points if you can name the game I'm most likely referring to.) Well...there's not much I can do about your "special problem", but I can tell you that interacting with the female race is a healthy and normal activity in today's society. I tell you this as a once-introverted male. I have seen the light, my friends! Trust me. Those scary, muscly guys from Jr. High grew up...and guess what!...they're just as dumb now as they were then. Only, this time, you have the option to win! You can talk to these girls. You can make them feel good about themselves. You can be gentlemen and open doors and be charming. You can show them what a real man is. Just don't get too close too quick...or they'll take you for something different...a "creeper".

*End thoughts*

Homework for the week:
Girls - Look around you and find these "gentlemen".
Boys - Get confident and talk to that hottie in Spanish. Maybe even ask her what she's doing this weekend.
Both of you - Don't SEEK out love. Wait for it to come to you. He or she is out there...waiting. Go get 'em, kids!

God bless your withered souls,

You will Suffer me!


Wake up, kid! There's much to do! What lost-like qualities you've dragged on since you were found! Hurry now! We've more time than I thought, but still not enough. You won't make it. We won't survive. This creeping dark is clawing at me...taking us both further and further toward the gates.

"Then, let me go!"

No! If I let you go, I'll have no one to protect me.

[He waited to no response.]

What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this to me?!

"This is all I have left. I'm trapped, ohkay? Why am I the one in persecution here? I still have a chance to live! You don't!"

No...that's not true. Save me. Please...I beg you, save me!

"Sorry, friend. It is out of my hands now."

You know...when I'm gone...when this is all over and there is nothing left...I will find you. I will find your sick, half-dead body lying in a puddle of its own fluids! You will beg me for mercy and the chance to see another day! You will receive nothing in return but sideways glances and pitiless beatings! Your body will become one with the roads you slither across...the ones you have abandoned me to. I will not forget your eyes, friend! No, I could never! You see, this is our turning point...the place where hearts are torn! Perhaps, if conditions were otherwise, we could drink to this solemn occasion. I leave you with this thought: Only one man has conquered the world by himself, needing not the courage or strength of fellow men. He is still here...he is still watching. He will never leave.

"I'm sorry, my friend. There is nothing I can do."

Au Revoir


And now, the end is near, 

And so I face the final curtain. 

My friends, I'll say it clear;

I'll state my case of which I'm certain.  

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,

When I bit off more than I could chew,

But through it all, when there was doubt,

I ate it up and spit it out.

I faced it all and I stood tall

And did it my way.

Good bye Honors. I have loved learning from the greats, and I have enjoyed all our discussions. Even if I didn’t always read I still always learned something from every class. There really is no better way to experience UM than through being in Honors. I didn’t always agree with my professors or with the authors we read but they always taught me how to think for myself and form my own opinions. I will carry what I learned from the last two years with me through college. Thank you, for being good classmates and fellow searchers for the truth.


We know the truth, not only by the reason, but by the heart.

I love you.

"The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe." - M. Night Shyamalan

Love is everything to me. Love influences every single thing I do. It is my life. What would we do without love?

Here's the problem:

We're always seeking out love. I know I am. It's just natural to want it! This constant pursuit of love is like waking up every morning so that you can step into the sunlight...and hope you will be able to catch the shadow in front of you. Why are we trying? What thing could possibly be so great as to chase it throughout our lives or risk everything and everyone we have to find it? Could that sort of thing even be real? Do we have THAT much trust in those around us? Maybe we're showing our true colors when love becomes the topic of conversation. Maybe some people are just more focused on it than others. I'd like to say the first theory is correct, but I know how true the second one is. It could be both.

Why do we trust in this one thing though?

I'm personally scared for my LIFE that it won't compare to the pre-conceived notion I have of it in my head.


It's good to get in touch with your past....

90s music you love and miss...

TLC- Waterfalls
Backstreet Boys- I Want it That Way
MC Hammer- U Can't Touch This
Hootie and the Blowfish- Hold My Hand
Ricky Martin-Livin' La Vida Loca
Spice Girls- Wannabe
Savage Garden- I Knew I Loved You
Oasis- Wonderwall
Green Day- Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
98 Degrees- It's the Hardest Thing
NSync- Bye Bye Bye
TLC- No Scrubs
LFO- Summer Girls
Salt n Pepa- Shoop
Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit
U2- One
Whitney Houston- I Will Always Love You
Sir Mix-A-Lot- Baby Got Back [what? ^_^ you know you know the whole intro]
R.E.M.- Losing My Religion
Hootie and the Blowfish- Let Her Cry
Alanis Morissette- You Oughta Know
Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply
Destiny's Child- Say My Name
Metallica- Enter Sandman
Hanson- MMMBop [I know, why are they so close together?]
Beck- Loser
House of Pain- Jump Around
Soundgarden- Black Hole Sun
Counting Crows- Mr. Jones
Blues Travelers- Hook
Vanilla Ice- Ice Ice Baby
Third Eye Blind- Semi-Charmed Life
Goo-Goo Dolls- Iris
Collective Soul- Shine
The Fugees- Killing Me Softly with His Song
Hootie and the Blowfish- I Only Wanna Be With You
Matchbox Twenty- 3 A.M.
Jewel- Who Will Save Your Soul
Sugar Ray- Fly
Sheryl Crow- All I Wanna Do
The Presidents of the United States- Peaches
Edwin McCain- I'll Be
Will Smith- Get Jiggy Wit' It
Barenaked Ladies- One Week
Blues Travelers- Run Around
Billy Ray Cyrus- Achy Breaky Heart [you know you luved it!!!]
Foo Fighters- Everlong
Savage Garden- To the Moon and Back

^_^ Three cheers for the 90s!!!!

Fairwell to Honors!

Well, since this is my last blog, I suppose I shall end this term with a goodbye. I will not be returning to Honors next semester. (I'm sure that this highly depresses many of you :) Anyhow, I have highly enjoyed my time this past year, and somewhat liked the topics that we have discussed. We have journeyed through the ancient days of Greece to the Medieval world. We have read and analyzed everyone from Socrates to Homer, Plato to Aeneid, Augustine to Aquinas, Milton to Machiavelli, and a few others in between. We have explored the paintings and sculptures of many fine artists, and have somehow related this to literature. We have SUCCESSFULLY built a trebuchet :), performed an outstanding version of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and have laughed along the way. I must say that my most enjoyable moment has to be the day that Dr. Mitchell climbed the brick wall outside of the library. For some odd reason, it was great humor.

When Dr. Mitchell asked, "Why Honors?", my first response was, "I have no idea why I put myself through this." However, the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized that I have thoroughly benefitted from this course. So, why Honors? I believe that the Honors curriculum steps outside the norm. We have challenged the barriers of English and have stepped into a whole new world. In most classes, the course is limited to a few novels, a mediocre thesis, along with tests, and time-consuming papers. However, in Honors, we get to step outside the box. We are given the opportunity to discuss our thoughts, debate our feelings, and analyze not only literature, but various works of art. I chose Honors, because I wanted to go above and beyond. I encourage all of you, especially those who will be moving on, to never limit yourselves. Go outside the boundaries. NEVER STOP LEARNING! Read, write, contemplate, make your own ideas and conceptions...then rationalize them and make some more!

In conclusion, I will greatly miss this class. I have developed many friendships, thoughts, humorous antics, and various other things throughout this course. I hope that all of you continue to ponder "why Honors?", and strive to break the status quo. Avoir.

Burning Bridges.

Justin Bridges is a good man. Well...he tries. Do any of us ever sit down and talk with him though? How many of you have made a conscious effort to get to know "Justin"? Of course, Justin's a pretty outspoken guy. Maybe you haven't had to.

My challenge to you is that you get to know he ticks, how he speaks, how he loves. Whether you think he's a gorgeous "almost God-like" being or a loser, you should try and understand him. He's not unlike the rest of us.

Justin is just an example here, folks. The main point is that we are all the same. We think all of the same thoughts...just in different capacities. Hollywood has taught us that bad guys don't have emotions and that good guys have all the emotions in the world. That's not true! Nobody is completely good or completely bad. We're all facing the same struggles. So, either help each other out or leave! Nobody wants to be alone. Nobody wants to feel that shadow haunt them. We have ONE shot at this thing.

(Don't worry, Justin. Nobody thinks you're a loser. I'm just using you for entertainment purposes.)

^Not Justin Bridges...but equally as cool.

+10 XP if you can name him though! (I'm looking at you, Jeremy.)

Hello, class...I'd like to play a game.

My name is Jacob Smith. You know me as such. I'm never really the funniest or even cutest guy in a room...but I try. I can sometimes be a little TOO weird for people...and I'm sorry. That's just how I am. A lot of the time, it's just because I'm so nervous. I'll be straight with you people...the theater majors used to scare the CRAP out of me! Now that I know them...I've realized they're just as ridiculous as I am. I think that's one of the reasons I'm becoming a Musical Theater major next year. (No laughing, please.)

I was a bit of a recluse when I first got here...never really seeking out what I wanted. I was sad. I thought that's who I was.

This was me. I'm a changed man.


The Consolation of Philosophy Book V

Providence exists
If providence exists foreknowledge must exist, because God couldn’t provide of he did know what was coming.
If foreknowledge exists than freewill cannot exist, because God couldn’t know what was going to happen unless it was necessary that it was going to happen.
Boethius presents this argument to Lady Philosophy, and philosophy argues that free will foreknowledge and providence might all exist at the same time, because God has an intelligence that is at an entirely higher level than ours, just as our intelligence is at a higher lever than other animals. Animals have senses and imagination, humans have truth through reason, but God has all of this plus eternal and divine knowledge. God sees all time as if it were set out on a table, for eternal means that God experience every moment in one moment. Therefore it is possible that we have free will, providence and foreknowledge.
Philosophy and Boethius continue arguing and eventually agree that God is so amazing that free will, providence and foreknowledge do all exist. I this part of the story, because it really brings out the glory of God and shows that the work is Christian. Most Importantly it show that God is very mysterious.

...and I'm dancing with the Capulet. We're so crazy in love!

Maybe Romeo had something going on there. Everyone had turned against him. The only person he could rely on was Juliet. So many times in my life I've felt like there was no one to rely on. God will always be there. Why question God?

Living has a purpose. Some people just can't see it as clearly as others...especially those who have no one.

"I have no fear of drowning. It's the breathing that's taking all this work." ~ Jars of Clay

If we don't understand and assess our biggest problems, they will always return. How do you think Sam kept hooking up with Diane? I miss Cheers.

Still, I can't help but wonder why we all let ourselves fall back into every hole we escape. Does no one have will power these days? Why are we, all of a sudden, so weak!?

Maybe I'm looking into this a bit much. I just don't know very many people that can resist any temptation that comes their way. AH!

Temptation Come My Way by The Showdown:

I’m torn
And ripped in temptations wake
I’ve lived
Half a life I’m desires slave
Of love
And of lust and of life he speaks
In thrall
I’m the victim until it sleeps
I’m bound
To this medusa blind or stone
I’m held
At the mercy of the unknown
Can’t shake
The black hearted, still I roam
Can’t change
How it started, the beast comes home

You choke like smoke
And define like a stain
You reign and the flood
Washes all but my name away
Temptation come my way
Temptation take the day

Hey hey
This is the lid to my coffin case
You lay
Six feet of deep just to separate
Pine tar
And pitch and a rusted hinge
What’s left
Of a life that temptation spent
Hey hey
You are the storm and the sun will drown
I love
To love the way that you let me down
And if
I ever strut bring me right back down
Me today that temptation’s still in town

You choke like smoke
And define like a stain
You reign and the flood
Washes all but my name away
Temptation come my way
Temptation take the day

Watch this

You choke like smoke
And define like a stain
You reign and the flood
Washes all but my name away
Temptation come my way
Temptation take the day
I wish I could take anything coming to me. I want to be strong like some of you.

Medieval Personality Types Contd., or, Look, A Thermos of Phlegm!

See my first post about the Four Temperaments here:

In King Lear Goneril makes the following remarks to her sister regarding their father, Lear:

"The best and soundest of his time hath been but rash: then must we look to
receive from his age, not alone the imperfections of long-engrafted condition,
but, therewithal, the unruly waywardness that infirm and choleric years bring
with them."

Often a man's enemies are the best at analysing his weaknesses, and in this case Lear's enemy, his daughter, has zeroed in on one of his biggest problems: he has a naturally rash temper and he is coming on to a period in his life when he will be more choleric than ever.

Similarly in Hamlet it is Hamlet's enemy, Claudius, who identifies Hamlet's temperamental problem, telling Polonius:

"There's something in his soul,
O'er which his melancholy sits on brood;
And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose
Will be some danger"

What makes it particularly interesting is that both these characters go mad, but in different ways. Lear's madness demonstrates the link between madness, as in insanity, and madness, as in anger. Lear is mad in both senses of the word. Hamlet's madness is nothing like this; it is a melancholy, brooding madness.

In both cases Shakespeare's villains are able to identify and exploit the temperamental trait that brings the hero to madness.

It's Cordelia's fault

It is obvious that Cordelia is to blame for the tragedy of King Lear. When Cordelia said nothing to her fathers question of how much she loved him she relinquished her power to protect the kingdom. She knew her sisters did not love him as much as she did and she knew that the kingdom would not be better of in their hands. She lacked the courage and strength to do what was necessary. When her father asked her only to tell him of her love she refused. One simple action would have saved the kingdom and her family from all the strife. Whether or not she chose to be the daughter of a King it was still her duty to protect the kingdom. The tragedy in King Lear, like so many of Shakespeare’s works, is the fault of the main characters. Their character flaws are the reasons they suffer. Lear’s lack of strength, his inability to rule, and his daughter’s lack of sensibility and selfishness causes the downfall of a country. To be fair, it cant all be blamed on Cordelia, she was not the king. The true tragedy of Lear is his lack of wisdom and his inability to rule properly. The only virtues that matter are the ones that are beneficial to the ruler in dealing with the problems of his country. Virtue lies in action and the actions of a ruler define that ruler. The job of a ruler is to protect the country. To protect the country a ruler does not always decide on the virtuous choice.  Virtue aside a ruler must do whatever it takes to protect the country. It is the ruler’s obligation to make the tough decisions for the country and not to be led astray by religion or by crafty words


King Lear- many ideas/opinions

So I definitely believe that King Lear is a crazy, twisted, egotistical ruler. What man in his right mind is going to pit his daughters (who don't need to rule anything) against each other in a who-loves-me-more game knowing that the only daughter that could SANELY rule the land is the one that truly loves him????

And as for Cordelia, I think she did right. Knowing her father knows she loves him with all her heart and yet being asked if she loves him most- can you say low blow? Unnecessary? If not out of spite or hurt she could have just not said anything so as not to sink to her sisters' level. It may have been best she not say anything- if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all, right?

I think they pretty much got what they all deserved ^_^

Dante's Theme

The most significant excerpt of the Inferno is what is inscribed above the Gates of Dis: “Through me you enter into the city of woes, through me you enter into eternal pain, through me you enter the population of loss. Justice moved my high maker, in power divine, wisdom supreme, love primal. No things were before me not eternal; eternal I remain. Abandon all hope, you who enter here” (III, 1-7). In this one quotation, Dante the poet set up the fact that his version of hell was created by justice and love and that each individual in hell was put in a particular level based on love and justice. Each level is full of sinners bound by similar transgressions. Many levels are formed by those who love something other than God to much, still there are other levels formed by the absence of love. The less love there is involved in the sin, the lower in hell the individual who committed the sin will be. Also, it is colder in the bottom levels of hell because God’s love diminishes the further down into hell one goes. Justice created Dante’s hell in the sense that every individual there had freewill to choose their actions and what they love. The punishments that their souls now reap were sown in the choices they made in human life. The excerpt over the Gates of Dis set up the whole theme for the poem—the love that the sinners had for something other than God and the justice that they deserve for their misplaced love.


Have you ever sometimes felt, after doing something wrong or just being far from where He would have you be, that you couldn't just kneel at his feet and ask for forgiveness. Felt like you had to do something to pay for your sins. Even though He says that if we come to Him and repent He will accept us back as His children, forgetting all and rejoicing in our return, it sometimes feels like coming back just isn't enough. Sometimes it feels like you have to do something, or feel a certain way before you can truly be back on track where you need to be. That's not how it is supposed to be- God made a way for us to never have to feel this way. We are heirs with him, completely and totally.

When the prodigal son came home, the father wouldn't even listen to the long explanation the son had prepared before he got there. The father embraced him with open arms and rewarded him with love and acceptance. He ignored any attempt at an apology- so great was his joy for his son to be home. This is how it is. The enemy will try to steal our joy. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes we curb-stomp him and hug our Father right back. ^_^ that's how I like to view it, anyway.

Grammar love song!!!

Back when I was goin' to school,
I never learned a thing
All I did was daydream,
a-waitin' for the bell to ring
I had a certain teacher,
I always tried to impress her
When she stood up in the classroom,
*unecessarily rude line removed*

Then one day I decided,
that I would write a little letter
She said the spellin' was a masterpiece,
the punctuation could be better
I understood what she was saying,
I got the gist of her sentiment
She said "I don't mean to be degrading,
"but here's the way that it should've went:"

Chorus) I love you period
Do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses
I love you period
Do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses

Right on up to high school,
people said I was a writin' fool
All my letters became really great,
with punctuation that was never late
But I was havin' trouble meetin' girls,
I never knew the things to say
Soon I had 'em all overwhelmed,
when they heard me talk this way, like this:

Chorus) I love you period
Do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses
I love you period
Do you love me question mark
Please, please exclamation point
I want to hold you in parentheses

Storm scene Russian movie

Just the fact that Lear is screaming to the element in Russian is awesome.
The scenery is woods; dogs represent Goneril and Regan, hog represents the deadly Edmund, the frantic wild horses represent the nights of the kings’s company whom Goneril and Regan have gotten rid of.
The wind represents his driving anger. It as if Lear screams I hate existing for I am Agony. The scene is a barren waist land, with a man who seems so small against the elements. His running represents his madness. He is a man who has not accepted his fault of being quick tempered. Then you see him up close the music is madness. He screams at nature and then falls. Nature beats him to his knees where he humbly accepts his faults. He is now a more real person although he's not yet finished with his screaming. Then the rains begin to fall and there is something in rain that is so real. The rain melts his madness. Soon his real friends, namely Kent and the Nave, convince him to inter into the hut. Lear has been transformed by nature to his real self which leads him to only wish to be with those who love him namely Cordelia.

I Have To Hate You For Your Own Good

So if you consider leadership as a virtue then Machiavelli is on the right track although I don't agree with him completely. If you look at leadership like any other virtue, it should fall in the middle ground between the two extremes, one being the extremely merciful, people-pleaser, and the other being the tyrant who has anyone who says anything remotely offensive killed. There should be a nice mixture of cruelty and mercy. With being a people-pleaser you risk being indecisive and weakening the government to the point of the risk of being seized by another nation or a rebellion. With being an extremely cruel tyrant you risk a rebellion of the people or possibly a division of the people which could lead to civil war. So in order to be a great ruler, the people and their needs should be important but making them happy should not necessarily be the primary motive.

Racism- Crash

Again with Dr. Talmage's class.

A question:
Is racism learned or nature?
Is it something you are taught, or is it something that some people are just born with?
Is it something you that happens because of your surroundings, or because of what you're NOT surrounded with?
Is it against your will or because of your will?

Watching Crash made me really think about it. I realized that a lot of it has to do with a blend of some of these things. It is something you are taught, not nature. Your surroundings can cause you to pre-judge (a little Indian [from India] boy who grows up in a predominantly southern caucasion neighborhood gets picked on, he may then feel like all white people are mean and may not get over it). But one can still choose to not assume. It definitely isn't ok, but you can see how your upbringing can teach such things.
Also, fear seems to play a part it. After Pearl Harbor, everyone assumed all Asians hated Americans. After 911 everyone assumed anyone from that area was a terrorist. People walking down the street may see a black man dressd in baggy jeans, over-sized t-shirt, gold chains, and a side-ways cap and assume they have a gun and plan to rob someone. All of these assumptions are so ignorant- not even founded enough to say they have credit.

So how can anyone get so bent up over the color of another's skin? Afterall, it's just melanin.

Dante is a confused soul

In the Inferno of Dante, Dante walks through hell with Virgil as his guide. The shades or souls there receive an ironic counter punishment for there crime. Dante shows pity to some like Paula and Francesca stabbed together in a kissing embrace. Others he rebukes for there sin like the Popes shoved into the hole, and some he even maltreats like the liars and the betrayers. How Dante reacts to those in hell tells a lot about Dante as a character not an author. Dante is confused about what is true love and what is lustful infidelity when he pities Paula and Francesca. He easily blames the Popes for there sin because he has no part in their type of sin, and he maltreats the liars and betrayer, because he is a liar. He shows he is a liar when he promises to clear the eyes of a poor soul, if the soul tells him his name, when the soul does tell him his name, he leaves without helping him. From Dante’s responses to specific punishments we learned that Dante is confused about love, is quick to rebuke wrong that is not of his kind, and is a liar.

Zmirak is a cool Name

I thought I’d talk a little about the guest speaker we had recently John Zmirak whose latest work is the Graphic Novel The Grand Inquisitor. The church and theater/film have always been at odds almost since its inception. It was only through passion plays that the two began to intermingle after a long hiatus. Film is a form of art that is used to press the boundaries and the church has never been exempt from that. Most of the time the catholic faith instead of Protestantism is portrayed in movies due to its more visual nature.
In the Godfather Part I Catholicism is used to provide a moral counterpoint to the acts of violence that take place during the film. It is also interest to note that the film begins with wedding and ends with a baptism, two of the sacraments. Catholicism is also used for scenes of deathbed penitence and absolution of the soul in many films. Christianity in film can be used to mark the spiritual progress of character and their moral growth throughout the course of the movie.
Film has been especially hard on religion since the late 70s and is portrayed a weakness and a precursor to narrow minded bigotry in a character. In the 2006 film Borat showed Christians as a kind and willing to help albeit mindless gathering of people. Public opinion has turned away from Christianity and as such film has taken the popular course of action.

I type this with bandit gloves on.

I'm hiding. I'm always hiding. Up until this point in my life, I have had no reason to reveal the real me to the world. I think I know what it's about now...apart from serving God. How are we supposed to get through this train wreck called "life"? Think about every instance of pain you've ever seen or experienced. How do we do it? What drives us to keep going?

For me, I have no answer. All good things are worth fighting for, but what can you do when you consider nothing to be good? What real stake does someone like me hold in this world? None. Then, why am I fighting?

Part of me says it's just a reaction to the things people around me do. The other part is saying to stop. Stop and look around. This place is corrupt. There is no good. How can that be true though? How can I even begin to think that? Why have I been asking questions and giving no answers?

Well...sometimes, we don't get answers. Sometimes, we just have to guess and hope it's good enough.

O Brother Where Art Thou?

Watching this movie in Dr. Talmage's class was fun-- but to listen to the similarities, and differences, between this movie and the Odyssey was phenomenal!!!

Like Everett and his wife, like Odysseus and his wife, are separated by this adventure for nothing. But when he comes home instead of him destroying the suitors, he gets beat up by him.

The cylops character is defeated by the witty men, whereas in this movie "Big Dan" the cyclops character outsmarts the rest of the men and in the end gets smashed to death, instead of losing an eye like you would think he would.

Pete gets turned into a frog instead of a pig.

George "Baby-face"?? Maybe killing the cows? I don't know...

Anyway, watch it once or twice through and try to spot all of the mock similarities!!

Just Trying To Figure This Whole Shadow Thing Out

I'm just not sure if I'm on the right track.


What Dr. Mitchell said about the middle ground between the wilderness and civilization sparked a thought. This realm is touched on by many writers, especially the ones that come out of England, the most prominent being Tolkein's Middle Earth. The idea of this middle ground is compelling. It seems as if it is the equilibrium that men's souls search for. A man will feel smothered in the overwhelming order that is the city, while the supreme disorder that exists in the wilderness will drive him to madness. It would seem that the middle realm is where man is most at peace. This makes sense to me at least in that i feel most comfortable is a park or something to that effect. While it is a fabricated middle realm, it is the closest thing that we are capable of acheiving within our modern society. This idea of equilibrium permeates into many areas that men deal with and most of them pertain to the soul in some way or other. I think it is a very strong desire of man to attain equilibrium, and that desire creates tension because most of what man encounters is a polarization, i.e. the city and the wilderness. Thus, peace is found in the equilibrium.

Overcome by the Shadows

Dr. Mitchell talked about the shadows... how they make things real. In "The Calling of St. Matthew" by Caravaggio there are lots of shadows. The light is not the realistic kind that we get in the work that inspired Dr. Mitchell... but this is a work to take a second look at.
Sometimes shadows make things real, they give man his shape. The shadows of light with the outside, and the shadows of character with the inside... but shadows can also hide the truth. In this painting Caravaggio uses shadows to hide everything that he feels is unimportant. Do these shadows give us the truth or are they distorting it?
What about the shadows of character? Can they hide some of the truth as well? The darkness inside man can sometimes blind us to the light. Not in the way the darkness in this painting hides things from our view, but in another way altogether. Sometimes all we can see are the shadows. Like this painting we see the world as a place of bright light and dark shadows. In reality each thing has a light and a shadow, and if we are overpowered by the shadow we cannot really see anything at all.

No, They Can’t Take That Away From Me

Experience is a wonderful thing. Friday night was one of those life-experiences that I am sure to recall for years to come. It was a great example of how students, desiring a well-rounded educational experience, will come together and accomplish something significant – all that we needed was to be given the opportunity. It is a pleasure to work alongside fellow students who are highly-motivated and committed to their educations. Students like these are rare, and that is why we are a part of what is called “The Honors Program.” We are not perfect by any means, but we strive for perfection. We do not do this to exalt ourselves; rather, we do it to honor our Lord through the use of gifts He has given us. I suppose that in this regard, we might as well be called the “Honor Program,” as we honor Him through all that we do. I am so thankful to be given the opportunity to participate in the Honor(s) Program at UM. It is a true blessing and I look forward to serving on the Council this coming year!

If I Were in Charge...

I am not so sure that I like being called a Machiavellian. I am not an expert on his philosophy, but I know enough to know that I don’t really want to be grouped with that kind of thinking. Instead, I would rather invent my own system of thinking so that in years to come, poor, innocent English students will be told that they are Sarah Beckians – whether they like it or not. I am sure they will like that about as much as I like being called a Machiavellian. ;)

A Midsummer Night's Life

A Midsummer Night's Dream is well liked by almost everyone, and is definitely both funny and entertaining. It seems so exaggerated that it's funny... but when I think about it it's not all that far from real life.

I think that everyone has felt as unloved as Helena feels at the beginning of the play. Everyone in some Jr. High (or present) crush has passionately hoped that some boy (or girl) would love them instead of another. Every girl in a time of over-dramatization has felt this: "We cannot fight for love, as men may do;/ We should be wooed and were not made to woo./ I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell,/ to die upon the hand I love so well." Everyone has felt that someone is worth dying for, even when they are not. Every girl has felt torn from a friend because of love, as Hermia and Helena feel.

Finding true love is confusing and hard. You must love unreturned, have your heart broken, break hearts, lose friends, gain enemies... and in the end you may feel you have been left with nothing at all.

But for the sake of love, we will endure all this. All the pain in the world is worth the search for love.

As Lysander says, "The course of true love never did run smooth."


Well... let's see... I'm more than a little late posting my blogs this half of the semester, but the first thing I'd like to say is: Midieval Madness was awesome! It was a true Honors experience and I saw a lot of hard work and talent go into the thing. It almost felt a little magical.

I guess I'd like to do a blog on the topic of my paper. I was really, really excited about my topic. I procrastinated AND changed topics at the last minute so I'm not so sure my execution was great... but I think it's something you should all read up on.

I wrote my paper on Augustine's views on pre-existence and how they affected the ideas expressed in The Confessions. At first while Augustine says he doesn't know what he believes about the subject, he makes it seem as though it really cannot be that important. He says it can't be that important because it is a time he cannot remember. However, just after this he talks about how he cannot remember his infancy although it was an important part of his life. So he kind of puts the importance of pre-existence on a level with our infancy. Which I kind of agree with. If there were a time that our souls existed before we were born, I think that would be an important thing to know.

However, in Book X Augustine talks about "memories" of pre-infancy. He talks as if we have memories of the 'forms' (like Plato). He argues that all men search for a happy life because they have some idea of this from before life. He also talks about how our life on earth could be some sort of punishment. Anyway... I just thought that these were some very interesting considering The Confessions is pretty well read. Also... this is something that not really anyone I know believes in, even though many of them love Augustine.

Granted... this is an issue that I believe Augustine changed his views on in later works. There are some letters where he argued the other side. I just never would have really suspected that he was that much on the positive side when writing the book.

Anyway... interesting thoughts

Why Honors???

In one of our last classes, Dr. Mitchell posed the question "Why Honors?" As I thought about it, the only logical answer I could come up with was "Why not Honors?" It is a class like no other. I personally was a little hesitant about taking the class. Now I can't imagine how bored I would be in a regular English class. The topics of our discussions sometimes leave me wondering, but it is that curiosity that provokes me to continue to dig and learn more about the subjects. Of course, our lively teachers probably have something to do with that too. While the course can be a bit challenging at times and difficult to juggle with my other classes, it has proven to be worth while and, believe it or not, enjoyable. I mean, in what other class do you get to build a full-size trebuchet or perform "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? The Medieval Madness is contagious. Once you've gotten the "Honors Plague", there's no turning back.

Putting Things into Perspective

Is it possible to over-analyze art? Can you dig too deep into the meaning of a work? We ask questions like: “what was the artist trying to say?” We answer with another question: “what was going on in his world at the time?” Discussing art seems to be an endless round of questions! The beauty of this merry-go-round of unknowns is the fact that we may answer in any way we choose! Of course we must keep logical facts in mind about the time period like technology, cultural ideas, and the like. But with these things in mind, the possibilities are practically endless. Each time we look at a work of art, we may see something new that we never noticed before. We might even see something that no one else has noticed before. But analyzing art should not be limited to the classroom; it can also be something fun. I have learned so much about art history over the years that I now go into museums and look and books in a different and interesting way. Studying and learning in class is important, but taking that knowledge and applying it is even better!

Medieval Maps

Before I started elementary school, I had the misconception that the entire world consisted of Mobile. As I got older, I learned about Alabama. Then the United States. Then North America. And eventually every part of the world. Looking back, I feel so retarded for thinking that the world was just one giant continent that consisted of Alabama.

I took a lot of notes and drew pictures of the maps on the powerpoint presentation when we had the class about Medieval Maps. These maps made me feel a lot better about my childhood misconception. I realized that people in Medieval times were not able to travel, so the only world they knew of was wherever they lived. Now I understand why they created maps that didn't have every continent on it.

I feel blessed to live in a world with so much technology because it enables us to learn about other parts of the world without actually going there. And you can access Medieval Maps like these...

"Kyrie Eleison"

Our class on Gregorian chant where Bergdolt had us sing "Kyrie Eleison" was quite interesting; I'll never forget it. I searched YouTube for some videos of people singing this chant and this is what I found.

This video is a "remix" of the song. It made me giggle.

I couldn't find the version that we sang in class, but all of these sounded really cool to me. I wish I had a video of our whole class singing; that would be really funny.


I'm not strong and I know nothing about building trebuchets, but building a trebuchet sounded more exciting than doing a play. I did so many plays in high school and I think I got tired of them. And one of the plays my senior year was "A Midsummer Night's Dream," so I figured I should try something new. I had so much fun contributing to the building of our trebuchet and taking all of the pictures.

As you can see I worked pretty hard. Ha ha. If you want to see more pictures and the rest of the group, they are in an album on Facebook.

This is one of our successful launches of the trebuchet. We taped a flashlight to a roll of duct tape, so look for the light in the upper left corner. It's amazing, to say the least.

divine foreknowledge and free will

Considering how Boethius reconciles divine foreknowledge and free will has really helped me. There are people all the time that doubt God and his existence because they do not understand how humans are free to choose their own path but at the same time God is able to know exactly what was going to happen. Before reading Boethius, I just knew that this was how it was, but I didn’t really attempt to understand why. After reading Boethius, this is how he reconciles the two: God’s insight of time is not how we as humans see time. God created time, and He sees everything, past, present, and future, happening at once. God’s foreknowledge of events does not cause the event. Everything that God foreknows will happen, but it will proceed from free will. Anyone can change direction by his or her own free will, but just as one cannot escape “the glance of a present eye,” one also cannot escape divine foreknowledge. God will know the change in one’s direction, but he did not cause it. If God were the cause of men’s’ actions, then punishments and rewards would be administered in vain. How could God punish a dishonest man and reward an honest man if God were the one to cause the men’s actions. He could not. Therefore, man is free to will what he chooses without any causation from God but with God foreknowing that the action would come to pass.

Honors English

When I came to college, I was not expecting to be enrolled in Honors English. English is probably one of my worst subjects so I was really nervous about taking a college English class. I honestly expected ENH 111 and 112 to be exactly like every other Honors and AP English class I've taken, but it definitely wasn't; not even close. In high school my classes consisted of grammar, reading books, and writing countless papers. The Honors class here is much more intriguing and I've learned a lot more because we go into great detail on every text. I love art and I was very excited to have Dr. B. come talk to us and point out different aspects of art that many people don't notice. And I was very shocked last semester when we only had to write one paper. We had to write two papers this semester, but I was very relieved we didn't have one every week or every other week.

This past year has been a wonderful college experience and I give this class credit for it. I may not enjoy every topic we discuss or the amount of reading we are required to do, but I do enjoy the atmosphere, the people, and the teachers. All of our teachers have been incredible! I love that Dr. Mitchell is so spontaneous and that he challenges us to dig deeper into each subject and stretch our minds. I am so happy I decided to stick with the Honors Program and I can't wait to see what the next years have in store.

Recap of Medieval Madness and the semester.

As we come to a close there was no better way to do it than the Medieval Madness festival. Being apart of the Trebuchet was and still is an honor though she was a little shy to perform on the day of the launch. But just seeing the crowd that showed up and the power of the trebuchet, though it didnt work half the time, brought pride and excitement into my heart. In addition to the trebuchet, i really loved the play. It sure did cheer me up after a bit of a dissapointment of Big Bertha. Suprisingly, it was alot better than i thought in that it was pretty funny. In a sense, i felt like i was back in the ye old days. With everything that we've learned in class, it was great to experience it outside of the classroom. I guess out in the realm of the mistical world were its just exsistince like Dr. Mitchell put it. But honestly, this whole class has been a great trip. With the guys who i helped build the trebuchet, words are hard to describe how great i feel on our accomplishment. Not to sound weird, but i feel pretty close to yall like that of fellow teammates on a team. But in conclusion, the Medieval Maddness pretty much summed up the whole semester. Its been great to be apart of the class.

He said...

Here are some quotes that have impacted me this semester from the men we've studied. I could try to expound on them, but I think that will do nothing but take away from their depth and inspiration.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe."
St. Augustine

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
“Good can exist without evil, whereas evil cannot exist without good....”
St. Thomas Aquinas
"There is no possible source of evil except good."
St. Augustine
“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”
C.S. Lewis
"Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder.”
St. Thomas Aquinas
"Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering."
St. Augustine
“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”
C.S. Lewis
"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature."
St. Augustine
“If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”
C.S. Lewis
"Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?" ~St. Augustine

My first year in Honors has been such an incredible blessing, for I have had to dig deep within myself to discover what I truly believe about GOD, humanity, nature....truth. When I read this quote from St. Augustine, I grew incredibly excited; these words summarize a thought I've had in my heart this entire year. While I have "dug deep" my freshman year on the search for truth, I have wondered if there are questions inside me that I don't even realize but that I still seek to find answer. It's comforting to know that there is One Who knows the questions, the answers, and the path I must take to find find Himself in Whom all answers are found. He knows my heart, He knows my desire, and He is Truth.

As C.S. Lewis said, "All find what they truly seek." So I will continue to search, whether I am aware of my questions or not....they may be hidden even from myself, but never from the One who put the longing to search within me. He always finishes what He begins.

Rebuilding the Wall

I was looking at art either done during the Medieval Era, or art depicting it. I came across this picture...I don't know when or who drew this, but as I looked at it, I was taken back by the meaning it can have. The girl on the wall is trying to protect her city and those closest to her from a soldier attacking the wall. She is willing to tear down the wall - the symbol of her strength purposed to keep invaders out - to destroy her enemy. Thinking of this in light of the modern, I think that it is sometimes true that the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs we have accepted to be truth and stability often put us in danger. While we think we are protecting ourselves by hiding behind the ways things have been done for years, we would be more useful if we tore them down and exposed ourselves to danger in order to secure our safety. Even if the walls we tear down with our questions and refusal to accept ideas without grounds to truly believe them and find that they were true after all, will not our walls be stronger because we have built rebuilt them ourselves after conquering the enemy of doubt? Maybe I'm reading into that too deeply...I just want to make sure that my walls are on strong foundations.

How did they do it?

During this week, my eyes have really been open to things of the past. This whole week i have been helping build the Trebuchet. I knew that it would take some time, but I never thought that it would take so much effort and hard work. There was so much design and details that were put into it to make it work. I can only imagine what people during the Middle Ages went though to build such a device. It amazes me that with such limited technology one could build a catapolt which could launch objects up to 300lbs and things such as a horse. That is a whole lot bigger than a roll of duct tape or a cantalope. Also, just the size of those built during the Middle Ages is amazing. With tools such as axes, wedges, hand saws, and hand drills, they built tribuchets as tall as over 30 feet and arms as long as 50 feet. They could also have counterpoises up to 20,000lbs. By building just a 10ft Tribuchet I now have a better understanding and appreaciation of what was done to even build a 20ft one back in the day.

King Lear's Ego

King Lear is an egotistical individual who wants to wallow in his own self-righteousness. He knows exactly which of his daughters loves him the most, yet he chooses to play an immature game to feed his own ego. The first two of his daughters, neither of which love him the most, declare that they both love him the most. The king loves this even though their words are meaningless. When he asks Cordelia how much she loves him, she does not respond. I thought that Cordelia’s response was impressive. She knew, as the king knew, that she loved him the most and she had proven with her actions, so it took a lot of courage for her to not say anything in protest to her sister’s false words. King Lear wants to make it seem that he is innocent as to who will get the biggest third of the kingdom; but in fact, he already knows that Cordelia loves him the most. Love cannot be pretended by false words; it must be proven by actions. King Lear’s response to Cordelia is what proves his egotistical attitude. When she will not play along with the sick game, he disowns her. The king just wants insignificant flattery. I think that this type person is not fit to rule a kingdom.

On the Grass

There's just something to being outside, away from man-made things and the noise that they bring. As we performed "Midsummer" Friday night, I was thinking about when Dr. Mitchell had talked to us the day before about the connection nature makes between our modern world and the world of the Divine. Sitting in the woods by the firelight, I had no chance to turn the tv on, no computer to tempt me to check facebook, no phone to ring and distract me...I was sitting on the ground, talking to my friends and my professors for hours - something I most likely would not have done for that period of time in my manufactured, modern, busy world. It made me think of my relationship with GOD. In my modern spiritual life, I listen to the David Platt podcasts, read the newest study books, watch the newest Beth Moore Bible studies, buy the best worship cd's (none of which I believe are wrong and none of which GOD has not used in my life) and still somehow miss truly worshiping and abiding with my Savior. While these things are blessings that the modern era has brought us, I have used them as curses. I focus on them and not on my GOD. I be busy and do not "be still." I can't help but think that GOD would rather have me singing to Him without music than have my distracted song half-heartedly sung along with my headphones in my ears. I think He would rather have me walking in the woods watching His creation and praising Him for it than watching the latest Bible study video and wondering how much longer it will take. I have a feeling He would rather me sit down on the grass and just talk to Him than listen to the words He's given someone else. While GOD will use the modern - has used it in my life - I think there are times when He wants to draw me out of the pew and onto the grass with just His Presence.

A realization about Dante

Before spring break, I did a blog about Dante’s prejudice. I wrote about Ulysses being in hell was a product of this prejudices. I believed that Dante killing Ulysses on his last voyage and putting him in hell was wrong because Dante does not have the authority to decide someone’s death, especially since Homer already wrote about Ulysses making it home. However, when I was writing my research paper, I read more into the story of different characters that Dante put in hell. It was then that I realized that Dante did have means of justification for putting Ulysses and others in hell. The Inferno was based on justice, not on mercy, and before, I was reading the poem from my Christian, “Where’s the forgiveness?” point of view. But after I realized that, even though Dante was a Christian poet, his poem was not based on the Biblical principles of God’s mercy and forgiveness through Jesus, I saw that Dante had reason to put Ulysses in hell. Because, ignoring forgiveness for a moment, the condition of Ulysses soul was corrupted by the actions he did and the deceitful speeches he made. I think that in the Inferno, Dante was acting just as God would have acted has there never been Jesus the Sacrifice.


How is it they live for eons in such harmony -

the billions of stars - when most men can barely go a minute

without declaring war in their mind against someone they know.

There are wars where no one marches with a flag,

though that does not keep casualties

from mounting.

Our hearts irrigate this earth.

We are fields before

each other.

How can we live in harmony?

First we need to know we are all madly in love

with the same


~ St. Thomas Aquinas


Thomas Aquinas was a priest of the Roman Catholic Church in the Dominican Order from Italy, and an immensely influential philosopher and theologian. In the beautiful passage above, Aquinas speaks of peace. The title of the poem We are fields before each other, it mean we are responsible for one another. When Thomas Aquinas wrote this poem there were problems within the church. The main problem was the East-West Schism, or the Great Schism, that divided medieval Christendom into Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) branches, which later became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.  Political and theological differences kept the two churches in constant dispute. This poem is just as relevant today as it was when Thomas Aquinas wrote it. When it comes to Christianity we are as divided now as ever before. As Christians we have lost sight of what is really important. We care about so many trivial things that do not matter to our faith or to God.  It is a well-known fact that Sunday is the most segregated day. According to the Dictionary of Christianity in America [Protestant] (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1990): "As of 1980 David B. Barrett identified 20,800 Christian denominations worldwide . . ." ("Denominationalism," page 351). 20,800 in 1980, so you can imagine how may there are today. We all claim to be searching for the truth, to be looking for God. I can’t help but wonder what God thinks of this. Is he happy with what we have done to the church?

Just something to think about. 

Things to Remember/Look Forward to

Dear President Batson, Natalie, Jeremy, Morgan, and Thomas,
Please give me an A. Alright, bye.

Learning Descartes on the first day of class.
Pretending that the chair you’re sitting in doesn’t exist.
Connecting Descartes to Voltaire to Swift – “Individualism?”
Talking Horses and Utopias
Honors Christmas party, Dirty Santa and the Battle Over the Urn
Backrow Baptist Boys
Dr. Mitchell’s bottomless coffee cup
Giving up on taking notes from Dr. Mitchell because looking back on them, they make no sense whatsoever.
President Batson and all of the things he did while in power
Thomas making Dr. Mitchell mad enough to leave the room, Way to go Thomas
The good ole days when the lights were always off
Doing research papers overnight
Crazy Russian Lady who talks too much
Crazy Russian Lady getting on to Mashburn for leaving the tops off of the markers.
Bombing Mashburn’s quizzes
Throwing the bone
Doing random made up skits at the Honors party
The introduction of Dr. B and learning about the par…the…non.
Getting back on topic when Dr. Mitchell comes around to your group, “So, how ‘bout that sodomy?”
Abernathy’s reading of “more happy, happy love.”
We built a freakin’ trebuchet and it worked (sort of)

There’s more but you can comment some on here. Maybe you will get a better grade. I have to go. I just remembered that my house is on fire.

“That’s right…precisely!”

How can one man know so much? Dr. B is an amazing person! His quick wit and amazing patience make him irresistibly charming. I can relate to Dr. B on a personal level, while still holding him in the highest regard. Though I will NEVER reach his level of learning, he is still humble enough to get down on my level so that I may learn something significant – and learned I have. I have learned so much from all of the professors and guest speakers in ENH 112 this semester. They have all been well prepared and passionate, which has made learning a true pleasure. As Dr. B said on his last day with us, “the purpose of the Honors Program is to provide the student with a thorough knowledge of art, music, and literature.” They have all done this in an extraordinary way. Though I am looking forward to the coming year in Honors Lit, I will truly miss Dr. B and his witty remarks. Thank you, Dr. B for an amazing semester of learning and laughs!

Edmund the Revolutionary

In class when never really touched on the subject of Edmund in King Lear. In the play Edmund is the bastard son of Gloucester who serves as the main antagonist. It is interesting to note that the name Edmund means wealthy protector. Edmund is anything but a protector in the play. The focus of Edmund is usually his underhanded deeds that lead to death and tragedy, but one must also take into account the attempt at redemption that Edmund tries near the end of the play.
In the opening act of the play Shakespeare almost captures the audiences sympathies in regards to Edmund who seems a nice lad from his fathers descriptions, but will be left out of an inheritance completely due to the circumstances of his birth over which he has no control. It is during his soliloquy that he looses audience support and becomes the evil character. He eventually plays suitor to both Goneril and Regan stirring up sibling rivalry and jealousy and causing the sisters to quarrel. His redemption comes in the form of an attempt to rescind the order to execute Lear and Cordelia. I believe Edmund feels true regret because he believes his cause was worthy, but not the actually following through. Edmund is a character who attempts to revolt against traditional power and the makeup of what he saw as an unfair society. In this way Edmund could be seen as a freedom fighter or a revolutionary figure. I am in no way trying to paint Edmund as a noble character I just think it is interesting to look at him from the perspective of his attempts at a redemption and his feelings of somewhat regret.