Friday, January 23, 2009

Welcome to the Twilight Zone

I was watching an episode of Twilight Zone last night which baffles me because that show pretty much scares me. But in the episode a man is going about his business day after day doing exactly the same things. He gets up every morning at 7:00 and goes through his normal morning routine. Then he walks down the street to the bus stop and sits on the bench and waits exactly 5 minutes before the bus arrives. He gets off the bus at the 3rd stop and walks to his office. He does the same mindless work he does everyday and at 5:00 he grabs his coat and hat, waves goodbye to his secretary and proceeds out the door to the bus stop. He again waits 5 minutes before the bus arrives, rides 4 stops back to his house, pats the cat sitting on his doorstep and walks inside. After taking off his coat and hat and hanging them on the coat rack, he grabs the news paper, sits down on the couch in the same seat he does every afternoon, takes off his shoes and slips on his slippers. He sits and reads the news paper for 30 minutes before getting up and fixing his dinner. He sits at the table and eats his meal then he gets up, burshes his teeth and gets ready for bed. He sets his clock for the next morning, turns out the lights and is in bed by 8:00. The next day he does the same thing... and the day after that. No change in his routine at all. Then one day at work he starts to think about his life. Its always the same day after day and he promises himself that the next day he will change what he does. Get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way to work maybe. So, the next day he wakes up, goes through his normal morning routine, grabs his coat and hat and heads for the bus stop. Anxious to see what happens he gets on the bus and sits in the same seat he does everyday. When the 2nd stop came, the one he was going to get off on that day, he couldn't move. He just sat there like his legs were paralized. he tried to ask someone to help him up but everyone else was frozen, locked in their own little world. Soon, the doors closed and proceeded to the next stop. The man without even thinking about it rose from his seat and walked off the bus. When he was off the bus, the man tried his hardest to walk away from his office but his legs seemed to only go one direction. Then the man noticed something he hadn't before, there were strings attached to his feet and on his hands. he tried to pull the strings off his feet but everytime he pulled, his feet would rise and fall. Frustrated, the man looked up to follow where the string was coming from and thats when he saw him. His own puppet master. The man began to scream but no one of the street noticed and then suddenly he fell limp.

What if we are all controlled but a puppet master? We only live when they are willing to move us... and when they are finished we drop limp like the man in the show. Our whole life is based around what other people want us to do. How other people see our lives. But what if one day we notice like the man in the show that we are being controlled by someone else. Will we do something about it... try to change what we are? Like the man in the show will we simply fall limp or will we find a way to cut our stings?

The Twilight Zone scares me. Haha

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