Tuesday, January 20, 2009


St. Augustine's Life as a Man shows his intense love to be all he can be! After his conversion his mentality is to restrain himself from aspects of life he feels are sinful. He believes sin keeps him away from existing with God. He ends Chapter 1 thanking God for his many talents and that "I (he) exist(s)". Although many of these restraints are necessary, some have possibly gone overboard in scrupulousness. Some of his restraints may keep him from fully participating in the existence with God. Details will follow as WE explore who Augustine is.

1 comment:

  1. "The talents you have given will increase and be perfected, and I will be with you since it is your gift to me that i exist."

    "'never the less those who are married shall have trouble in the flesh, and i would spare you' (1 Cor. 7:28), and 'he who has no wife thinks on things of God. But he who is joined in Marriage thinks on the afairs of the world, how he can please his wife'(1 Cor. 7:32-3). had I paid carefull attention to these sayings and 'become a eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven' (Matt 19:12) i would have been Happier finding fulfilment in your embraces.
    ~Saint Augustines Confessions
