Monday, January 19, 2009

A Round About point?

Good Lord this blog is stressing my out and after days of trying to come up with something meaningful and thought provoking to say I have given up. I’m just going to write whatever comes to mind and maybe eventually it will wrap around to some kind of point. I dislike open assignments for some reason. There is a part of my nature that likes to have a plan and a course and guidelines. I read all the rules so I know exactly what I can and cannot do (Yes, I have actually read the student handbook…lame, I know). I’m very observant of road signs and cling to routine.
But there is this other part of me that rails against the norm, a secret part of me that balks at orders and hates to be herded into conventional thinking. I am a soul that screams at the injustices of the world. But for some reason it is this part of myself that I censor the most carefully. Why is that? It is because I have been taught since birth to play nicely, to follow the rules because they are there for a reason? Is it because I recognize that no matter how much I rant, rail, and preach in a college setting one day I will graduate and have to live in the real world? A society shaped by rules and obsessed with not offending anyone by having any thoughts except those that are politically correct. One day I will join the work force of America where team playing is essential for employment. Free thinkers are not often team players, but do I really want to be a team player? No.
What this has to do with Augustine…I’ll let you figure that one out.
Danyelle McCutcheon

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