Sunday, January 25, 2009

Medieval Medicine

You know the other day in abnormal psych. we were talking about the medieval view of illness mental and physical. They mostly relied on faith based healing and if you were sick it must be the devil. I was thinking that I would hate to live in that time if I happen to be a sickly person. But what I didn't realize was that not everyone has evolved with society in letting professional doctors heal the sick. I read this article the other day entitled Trials for Parents Who Choose Faith Over Medicine. I couldn't believe the horrible story that followed about a poor 11 year old girl whose parents let her die because they believed God would heal her and it was going against there religion to take her to a hospital. Also it said that they wanted to stay out of jail on the grounds of the religious freedom. The article said that in the United States, 300 children have died in the last 25 years because medical care was withheld on religious grounds. There was also a pastor quoted who said that jesus never took anyone to a doctor, he offered healing only by faith. I know i shouldn't be shocked when I hear stories of people taking things that are told to them and without questioning it believing it, and that belief makes them do something horrible. You would think that after so many years that the human race would have evolved enough to realize that intelligence and a healthy questioned of your surrounding is the way to survive in this world. DID theses people every think that maybe God uses doctors to heal? and that the people Jesus healed had tried to be healed in other ways. I am a christian and I dont share this view at all. Anyway I guess this article just upset me a bit and I wanted to share it. here is a link for the article in the new york times.

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