Monday, January 19, 2009

This is definitely a new experience...

So I have never done one of these blog things before. I haven't even read one. So hopefully you can cut me some slack on my first blog ever.
One thing I was wondering while I was reading was what guys thought about Augustine's mother Monica in Book IX. Augustine said that she "served him [her husband] as her lord." I would think that most girls would not like the sound of that. Especially in the feminist world of today, women do not like to be considered under men let alone their servants. Even worse are the "many wives married to gentler husbands [who] bore the marks of blow and suffered disfigurement to their faces." I know there are no women who look for abuse in a potential mate. But what do the men think about this? Do guys want a girl to be their servant? Do they want someone to beat? I do realize that the times are different. But does this appall men as it does women? Maybe the whole beating thing would. It definitely didn't appall Monica though. She just thought the other women were idiots for back talking their husbands while they were angry. I definitely was shocked when I read that. I thought that was ridiculous. Why on earth did she not care? Who thinks, "That wife was so stupid, getting herself beaten up like that?" Monica is the idiot! But is she? I started to wonder, why is the issue of the "service" of women such a big deal? The Bible says in Ephesians 5:22-24 and also Colossians 3:18 that wives should submit to their husbands in everything as to the Lord. It also says in I Peter 3:1 that wives should be submissive so if their husbands do not believe, "they my be won over without word but by the behavior of their wives." In light if that, Monica was living according to the Bible. As much as I want to frown upon it, she was doing what God commands. Even though this generation looks down upon the "submissive wife," God still commands Christian women and wives to submit to their husbands.

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