Thursday, March 26, 2009

Machiavelli as a Very Rational Human

After reading Machiavelli’s main work, The Prince, the first conclusion that came to my mind was that Machiavelli was a very rational person who tried to leave completely aside any emotional thoughts. He believed that a good governor that wants to keep his throne should learn how not to be good in some cases and to appeal to his kindness and not appeal in some cases. He also believed that the Prince should just worry about the power and therefore, he should just be around of people that will guarantee success in his political acts. All these propositions belong to Machiavelli’s famous statement: it is safer to be feared than to be loved.
I believe that for achieving success in life, it is necessary to maintain a balance between our emotional and rational parts. It is difficult to get to this balance because depending on the situation that we face, we tend to go to either of these dimensions. Therefore, it is so interesting to see how can there be someone who thought mostly rationally and was able to leave aside his emotions and feelings. It is just something that really surprised me.

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