Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jerusalem...the center of the world.

I find it intriguing that numerous maps dating from the Middle Ages and even before place Jerusalem at the center of the world. The culture in which I live - this prosperous, convenient, "free" mindset - tends to set US (or the U.S., whichever way you like it) as the hub around which the world turns. True, we have been extremely blessed with more opportunity economically, spiritually, and politically than the rest of this earth; but does that make us so important? Because while reading GOD's Word and looking at this sphere through His eyes, I see only one place reapeatedly mentioned. Only one city is named from the beginning to the end...and only one is recognized as - once perfected -having a place in eternity.


While the cartographers of the Middle Ages were geographically incorrect to place the Holy City as the center of the earth, I believe that spiritually they were right. Though today the city where JESUS made atonement for the sins of the world is constantly plagued by war, terrorism, fear, and hatred, it will one day be redeemed and made truly Holy. Revelation tells us that this New Jerusalem will "come down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God, it's radience like a most rare jewel..." One day, those who love GOD will inhabit His city and dwell with Him there in the center of eternity. So maybe we should be watching Jerusalem more closely...maybe we should see it through eyes that look with a different perspective than that of the news or politicians...maybe we should join the Psalmist when he sang, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! 'May they be secure who love you....' For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek your good." Psalm 122:6, 9

Because of what CHRIST did on a cross in Jerusalem, this Gentile is able to share in the inheritance - the "peace"- of Jerusalem. And one day she will dwell there in the New Holy City. If GOD's heart is centered around Jerusalem, perhaps hers should turn towards the East...

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