Saturday, March 21, 2009

Laziness = Death

While change is inevitable, it does not give us, as a society, permission to become lazy. Change is normally thought of as a way to better people or a society, not to diminish it. We have abused the right to change our language to better fit our lifestyle. Compared to earlier languages, for example the Medieval languages, the English we use everyday is distasteful and requires hardly any thought on our part. Of course, the advanced technology of online chatting and text messaging does not help matters. In fact, many people can't spell simple words, much less understand a larger more complex vocabulary. Sadly, those who do possess a wider vocabulary choose not to use it because most people who they converse with do not understand the meaning of the words. This is ridiculous. Is it only the person's fault or are higher institutions, such as school systems, to blame? Many of the school systems are behind when it comes to teaching students the importance of developing their vocabulary and learning. They opt to take the easy way out, which results in students who are lazy and do not engage in higher level thinking. If this cycle continues, the society we are part of will eventually disappear because if a society's language and arts deteriorate, its culture follows. Laziness of citizens leads to the death of a society.

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