Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gregorian chants.....creepy?

Once upon a time I was a wee little lad.  During this time of a young person's life many thoughts come in and out of their mind.  Multiple things contribute to the forming and shaping of this young mind.  One of those things would be false assumptions, and presuppositions.  I had heard this Gregorian chant when I was at this critical stage of my life, and was quite concerned with what I was hearing.  Just like when people are young they fear the dark, and when they reach a certain age they realize, hmm...there really is nothing to this fear.   So it was with my hearing Gregorian chant the other day with Dr. B.  Actually I realized what was something that was almost frightening now really was an inspiration.  Gregorian chant and the art behind, the rhythms, the words.  Realizing the patterns and the beauty of this chanting, and the worship that it gives unto God was soothing.  Posted is an example, hopefully you are not afraid of the dark.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ql7yshk2d0&feature=related.   

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