Saturday, March 14, 2009

Balance of Power

Who's exactly in control, Hilary or Bill? Monica! Since the beginning of time, women have used their looks and power of persuasion to get whatever they desired, whether it be "favors" or just dominance, particularly over the opposite sex. It is no denying that whenever a woman sets her eyes on something, she will get it. Women know how to make a man feel like he is in control when in reality he is at her every beck and call. This power is often seen as bad and destructive, but it all depends on the way it is used.
While the Wife of Bath seemed a little far-fetched and extremely promiscuous, she also had a learned outlook on the role of women. Yes, it may not be exactly what some of us would call appropriate, but she shed some light on the medieval stereotype of women. It was unacceptable to her, as it should be unacceptable to us in the fact that women should not be treated as inferior to men. I believe that a woman must submit to her husband, but even that can be done in a respectful manner, in regards to the wife. It is a relationship in which both parties must give and take. While the man is given the power to rule over his household, he must be aware of the extent of the power that is naturally present in a woman. A woman must be careful not to manipulate her power, which is often the case today. A balance of the two are needed to have an effective relationship.

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